Letters to the Dolphin

Archived in the category: General Info, Letters to the Dolphin
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 08 Mar 12 - Comments Off on Letters to the Dolphin

To the Citizens of Port O’Connor:

If you see ambulances on the side of the road in front of houses, please do not drive on that block.

We have personnel walking in and out of the sides of the ambulances. It is dangerous for our personnel.

Please go around. Sometimes we do not have personnel to direct traffic.

Thank you.

POC Volunteer Fire Dept.

Hello, Dolphin,

I’m a former POC resident who now lives in Los Angeles. Most people I grew up with knew me as Pedro Saenz.

My first novel has just been released 3/1/2012. I’m very excited about it.

I’ll be returning to POC to visit sometime during the week of July 4th.

I’m looking forward to seeing family, old friends and will be happy sign anyone’s book who wants it.

Peter Saenz

Editor’s Note: Mr. Saenz’s book, Coven of Wolves, is available at amazon.com



I would like to say welcome to some of our winter Texans, Don and Elaine from Missouri ,who are staying at The Two RV Park.

I am glad you are using the driving range behind the community center. I welcome both visitors and residents to use the range.

Hopefully, if the Sports Association gets a big grant, we might be able to include a couple of par three holes and a practice putting green.

Anyone wishing to use the range and needing golf clubs to use, please contact me, G.B. Robertson, 361-983-4498 or 832-830-1561.

G.B. Robertson

Letters to the Dolphin:

A long time before the “burn ban” lifted, there was a very strong odor in the air. I became very ill from it.

Finally, my son took me to the hospital in Port Lavaca where I have been found to have “dyspnea”, in order words “acute bronchitis”. I am being treated for it. Burned my eyes, nose, throat and lungs. After the “burn ban” lifted many fires are burning – even some fires are burning creosote, I hear.

Some people are getting ill in town from this odor. Don’t know what this stuff is. Now I see in the Port Lavaca Wave that a “chemical manufacturing facility” wants a permit to let more “pollution” in our already dirty air.

Carbon Monoxide
Nitrogen Oxides
Sulfur Dioxide
Volatile organic compounds and ammonia

I am an old lady, 83 years old, so guess it won’t matter if I die – But! what about the young – our future?

Talk about the “end of the world”, Man is going to “destroy himself” before “the end of the world”.

Power and Money Can Buy Anything

I can still use my Freedom of Speech.

Dorothy Geraldine Wilson

The Dolphin welcomes letters from our readers on any subject that is of general interest to our audience. Letters should be 300 words or less (with exceptions at the Dolphin’s discretion). Letters reflect the opinion of the writer, and not that of Dolphin Talk staff, and we retain the right to determine suitability for publication. It is the policy of this newspaper to promote area interests: therefore, complaints against local businesses should be directed elsewhere. Letters must be signed and include day and evening phone numbers, which will not be published. Your name will be withheld upon request, but anonymous material will not be considered for publication.

Letters to the Dolphin:
Dolphin Talk
P.O. Box 777
Port O’Connor, TX 77982

Comment closed.

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