Port O’Connor Chamber Chat By LaJune Pitonyak

Archived in the category: General Info, Organizations
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 08 Mar 12 - Comments Off on Port O’Connor Chamber Chat By LaJune Pitonyak

I hear that the Holder Fishing Show in Houston had a huge turnout from Port O’Connor. I’m sure those working it are glad it’s over and a success. It’s great to see everyone pulling together for our community.

The Chamber is now in the process of mailing out the 2012 Membership Applications. If you do not receive yours and want to become a member, please contact us or go to www.portoconnorchamber.org. There is an application to fill out and you can then pay online with Paypal.

The Chamber strives to be here for the Businesses and Community. The more people involved the better, as this means more ideas and suggestions for improvement.

If you know of a Fishing Tournament or Upcoming Event being held in POC, please email or call with information so we can get it listed on our calendar.

We want to “WELCOME” our new members:

Killebrew Dodge; Delmar Krenek; Hurricane Junction; Ann Townsend; Michael Crain; John & Katie Brouillette; Lowtide Guide Service; Virginia Robertson; Josie’s Mexican Food & Cantina; Paradigm Electric; Saltwater Lodge; The Vintage Pearl; KT Coastal Adventures

March Meeting will be on the 12th at 6:30 p.m. at the back room of the POC Community Center—Hope To See You There!

Email: poccc@tisd.net or 361poc@gmail.com –361-983-2898

Jim Hooper, owner of Hurricane Junction, working the Port O’Connor booth at the Houston Fishing Show.


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