The Way I See It… Guest Column by William D. Brayshaw

Archived in the category: Featured Writers, General Info
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 08 Mar 12 - 19 Comments

“The Way I See It” is an attempt by the guest columnist to enlighten readers on a subject, as he views it, and does not necessarily reflect the views of this publication. Comments on this article may be addressed to the author or to: Dolphin Talk, P.O. Box 777, Port O’Connor, TX 77982; Email: or to the author:


The Eligibility Question

The Constitution states in Article II, Section 1, clause 5: “No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the office of President; neither shall any person be eligible to that office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty five Years, and been fourteen Years a Resident within the United States.”

The term “natural born Citizen” (NBC) is not defined in the Constitution because it was well known to mean a person born in the United States to two Citizen parents, as defined in Emmerick Vattel’s book “Law of Nations”, published in French in 1758 and in English in 1760.

Vattel’s definition of NBC is based in Natural Laws of citizenship: Jus Sangre and Jus Soli. Jus Sangre – law of blood – means the citizenship of the child follows the citizenship of the parents, especially the father in patriarchal Europe. Jus Soli – law of soil – means the child has a claim to citizenship of the country where he was born, if born under the jurisdiction of the king or government of that country. To be a natural born Citizen the child must satisfy all the Natural Law requirements – born in the country and both parents citizens. This would insure undivided loyalty to the country of his birth.

The term “natural born Citizen” is used only once in the Constitution, for the eligibility for President.
This is because the President is also Commander-in-Chief of our Armed Forces and our Founders wanted to insure there would be no divided loyalty or dual-citizenship in that critical Office. A Citizen of immigrant parents who were not citizens at the time of his birth or a Naturalized Citizen can be a Representative or Senator because they are one of a group in a governing body subject to the influence and guidance of his peers. However, an awesome amount of power rests in the hands of President, especially in war time. Our Founders recognized that and tried to compensate for it.

The liberal media likes to confuse the NBC issue by quoting the 14th Amendment that states: “All persons born or naturalized in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside.” (Jus Soli) That is ‘citizen’ and includes ‘naturalized citizens’, but that does not make them “natural born Citizens”. The NBC qualification is defined in a Supreme Court decision Minor vs Happersett 88 U.S. 162, 168 (1874) as born in the United States of citizen parents. This was a decision rendered after the passage of the 14th Amendment and has never been overturned.

Prior to 2008, there was only one time that the NBC requirement wasn’t strictly met, that of Chester A. Arthur. President Arthur was born in the United States, his mother was a US Citizen, but his father was a Canadian who became a US Citizen after Chester was born. The fact that his father’s naturalization to US Citizen was after his birth was not discovered until after Chester’s election and inauguration. This was considered a ‘technical’ violation rather than an intentional one and so was widely ignored.

Between 2003 and 2008 there were 8 bills submitted in Congress to change the NBC requirement, mostly by Democrats. The Republicans had a problem with the NBC eligibility of John McCain. The Senate ‘solved’ the problem with a Senate Resolution 511 that stated since he was born in the Panama Canal Zone while his father was a Naval Officer, he was considered to be under US jurisdiction. This would have been true if he was born in the Base Hospital (under US jurisdiction) but his mother chose to have her baby delivered in a civilian hospital in Colon, in Panamanian territory, under Panamanian jurisdiction.

Many of us would bemoan denying NBC status to the child, and grandchild, of serving military officers, who was also a famous Naval Officer and POW. The fact remains that a Senate Resolution does not overcome or change the Constitution, only a Constitutional Amendment can do that. And this Senatorial shenanigan lead to flagrant violation of both the letter and the spirit of Constitutional Law.

The case of our putative President, Barack Hussein Obama is quite different. His Father, Barack Hussein Obama Sr. was a Citizen of the United Kingdom and Colonies, therefore a British subject. He was here on a Student visa and had no intention of becoming a US Citizen. Under British law at the time (and Jus Sangre), he was a British subject and any child born to him, anywhere in the world, was a British subject at birth. Stanley Ann Dunham, was a NBC of the US, but Immigration and Naturalization law at that time stated that a US citizen had to have been a resident of the US for 10 years, including 4 years after age 15 to transfer citizenship to their child. Stanley Ann was 18 when her son was born.

There has been a huge controversy over whether Obama Jr. was born in Hawaii. His Kenyan grandmother, and many others, claim he was born in Kenya; two Kenyan birth certificates have been ‘found’ but one has been discredited. The Hawaiian birth certificate controversy is very complex. There are several ways to register for a Hawaiian birth certificate. For a better understanding of this complex legal issue, I recommend: and

The real question is why did the Obama Campaign spend over a $1 million for legal assistance in ‘sealing’ his records during 2008, and now the total is reputed to be $2.7 million? Not only his birth records, but school records, passport records, and even his mother’s records. Most disturbing is evidence that Immigration and Naturalization Service, and passport records have been ‘scrubbed’. The Social Security number used to file his income tax statements has been rejected by E-Verify. It is a Connecticut number issued sometime between 1977 and 1979, when Obama was a teenager in Hawaii. This Social Security number actually belonged to a man who was born in 1890. This information has now been sealed and access to it denied by judges several times.

On March 1st, Sheriff Joe Arpaio reported that his Cold Case investigators had determined that the “birth certificate” released in 2011 was a computer forgery and that his Selective Service Registration is also a forgery.

By the correct definition, Barack Obama, by his own admission, is not NBC, because his father was not a US Citizen and had no intention of becoming one. His mother, due to her young age and the existing law, could not transfer her citizenship to him. If no valid Hawaiian birth certificate exists then he has no claim to US citizenship under Jus Soli or the 14th Amendment. Furthermore, his citizenship is further clouded by his adoption by Lolo Soetoro, an Indonesian citizen that married his mother, Stanley Ann, and adopted him as an Indonesian citizen under Indonesian law. Also there is evidence that he attended college as a Fulbright Scholar, scholarships available only to foreign students. If he represented himself as an Indonesian, or any other nationality after age 18, that is an ‘affirmative act’ that he renounced his US citizenship, if he had any legal claim to it.

Due to evidence gathered over the past four years, there are now Ballot Challenges against Obama in 17 States and the Supreme Court. So far, no case against Obama’s eligibility has been allowed to go to trial.


1. On forgeries:

2. E-verify Flags Obama SS#:

3. Obama Ballot Challenges:

4. Mothers age:

5. More eligibility issues:

6. Obama Not Eligible:

7. Minor vs Happersett:

Bill Brayshaw, Seadrift aka

Special thanks to Beckwith and TheObamaFile.


19 comments for “The Way I See It… Guest Column by William D. Brayshaw”


Re: “because it was well known to mean a person born in the United States to two Citizen parents, as defined in Emmerick Vattel’s book “Law of Nations”, published in French in 1758 and in English in 1760.”

The meaning of Natural Born Citizen does not come from Vattel, who is not even mentioned once in the Federalist Papers while the common law is mentioned about twenty times.

The meaning of Natural Born Citizen comes from the common law and refers to the place of birth.

“Under the longstanding English common-law principle of jus soli, persons born within the territory of the sovereign (other than children of enemy aliens or foreign diplomats) are citizens from birth. Thus, those persons born within the United States are “natural born citizens” and eligible to be President….”—- Edwin Meese, et al, THE HERITAGE GUIDE TO THE CONSTITUTION (2005) [Edwin Meese was Ronald Reagan’s attorney general, and the Heritage Foundation is a well-known Conservative organization.]

March 8th, 2012 at 11:37 pm
William D Brayshaw

To: ehancock

Note your reference was printed in 2005.
I agree with ““Under the longstanding English common-law principle of jus soli, persons born within the territory of the sovereign (other than children of enemy aliens or foreign diplomats) are citizens from birth.” With the following addition as in the 14th Amendment, “..and subject to the jurisdiction thereof..” are CITIZENS. Often called “native born Citizens”, but not Natural Born Citizens. Mr. Meese mixes the two for his own reasons, opinion, or lack of study.
See “Minor vs Happersett” Supreme Court decision (1874), yet to be overturned.
Also note, the Republicans at that time needed to weaken the full meaning of Natural Born Citizen for their own candidate. The Professional Political Class have tried to repeal or change the wording several times, especially over the last 12 years. I do not know their reasons, and I stand with the strict interpretation of how it was written.
I am yet to see any interpretation in the Federalist Papers that argues against the “Born in US with 2 citizen parents” definition.

March 9th, 2012 at 9:50 pm
William D Brayshaw

To: ehancock
Re: “Under the longstanding English common-law principle of jus soli, persons born within the territory of the sovereign (other than children of enemy aliens or foreign diplomats) are citizens from birth.”
Thank you for your your comment.
I’m not disputing your quote of Mr. Meese, but I believe this is a partial quote by
Mr. Meese, lacking the part of “owing Allegiance to the King”. This is why he adds “(other than children of enemy aliens or foreign diplomats)”.
You are correct that English Common Law was the basis of American Law, however Common Law needs codification and this was provided by the 14th Amendment: “All persons born or naturalized in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside.” (Jus Soli). That is ‘citizen’ and includes ‘naturalized citizens’, but that does not make them “natural born Citizens”.
If only “Jus Soli” is applied without “Jus Sangre” citizenship becomes a quagmire for travelers. Consider a Dutchman (Netherlands citizen & passport) from now Indonesia marries a Frenchwoman (French citizen & passport) from now Vietnam before WWII. Seeing the threat of Japanese invasion, they evacuate by American ship headed for Europe. Enroute, during a stop at Cape Town, South Africa, for refueling and provisions, The woman gives birth. What is the citizenship of the child?
Born on a US flagged vessel (US Jurisdiction) there is an arguable claim to US citizenship. Likewise the child was born in the Colony of South Africa and is therefor eligible for Citizen of United Kingdom and Colonies (CUKC). But there was no intent to remain under either of these jurisdictions. The ship continues on bound for La Harve, France, but due to the Nazi invasion is diverted to England, where the family lives until WWII is over. I can see 5 different ‘legal’ claims for citizenship, but absolutely none for Natural Born Citizen of any country.
I’m not being intentional obtuse, but trying to demonstrate a point.

March 10th, 2012 at 9:49 am

Re: “See “Minor vs Happersett” Supreme Court decision (1874), yet to be overturned.”

But the Minor vs Happersett case did NOT decide that. Have birther sites explained to you the concept of “dicta” It is that a statement about Y in a case that is about X is irrelevant. And Minor vs Happersett was not a citizenship case. It was a voting rights case.

Moreover, the Minor vs Happersett case said right in it (and birther lawyers cut the sentence out of the quotations that they use) that IT DOES NOT HAVE TO DECIDE THIS MATTER. In other words, it stated that it would not decide the matter, and it did not.

Finally, the Wong Kim Ark case was AFTER the Minor vs Happersett case. Hence if Minor was a ruling (and it wasn’) then the Wong Kim Ark case would have overturned it. And the Wong Kim Ark case stated quite clearly that EVERY child born in the USA is Natural Born.

This is what it said:

“It thus clearly appears that, by the law of England for the last three centuries, beginning before the settlement of this country and continuing to the present day, aliens, while residing in the dominions possessed by the Crown of England, were within the allegiance, the obedience, the faith or loyalty, the protection, the power, the jurisdiction of the English Sovereign, and therefore every child born in England of alien parents was a natural-born subject unless the child of an ambassador or other diplomatic agent of a foreign State or of an alien enemy in hostile occupation of the place where the child was born.

III. The same rule was in force in all the English Colonies upon this continent down to the time of the Declaration of Independence, and in the United States afterwards, and continued to prevail under the Constitution as originally established.”

Notice how close that is to what Meese said?

Well it is also the same as what was said in 1829:

“Therefore every person born within the United States, its territories or districts, whether the parents are citizens or aliens, is a natural born citizen in the sense of the Constitution, and entitled to all the rights and privileges appertaining to that capacity.”—William Rawle, A VIEW OF THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. 2d ed. (1829)

And here is how the term Natural Born Citizen was actually USED in the USA in 1803, shortly after the Constitution went into effect:

“Prior to the adoption of the constitution, the people inhabiting the different states might be divided into two classes: natural born citizens, or those born within the state, and aliens, or such as were born out of it. The first, by their birth-right, became entitled to all the privileges of citizens; the second, were entitled to none, but such as were held out and given by the laws of the respective states prior to their emigration. …St. George Tucker, BLACKSTONE’S COMMENTARIES: WITH NOTES OF REFERENCE TO THE CONSTITUTION AND LAWS OF THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT OF THE UNITED STATES AND THE COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA. (1803)

Notice that it does NOT use the term the way Vattel does. It uses it the way that the common law does. It refers only to the place of birth, not to the parents. Natural Born Citizens were “those born within a stat e”.

Obama was born in Hawaii, not Kenya. He has shown both his short form and long form birth certificates. Both the images and the physical copies of both of them, and the long form was handed around in the White House press room and everyone there got a chance to hold it and examine it. One reporter even photographed it.

THREE Republican and several Democrat officials have confirmed the facts on Obama’s birth certificate, and they are further confirmed by the birth notices that were in the Hawaii newspapers in 1961. It turns out that those birth notices could only have been generated by the birth certificate because the papers did not accept birth notices from relatives at the time. They only took their notices from the DOH of Hawaii, and the DOH of Hawaii did not send the notices out for births outside of Hawaii.

March 12th, 2012 at 9:06 am
William D Brayshaw

To: ehancock
US vs Wong Kim Ark was a case of a Chinese man born in the US of Chinese parents who was denied ‘landing’ when he returned after a visit to China. Very complicated arguments, but the Court ruled he was a Citizen by birth or “Native born Citizen”, not Natural Born Citizen. “Minor”, English Common Law, and many other sources of court decisions were quoted in the arguments and the decision, a very complicated case. I am not a lawyer. I do not see how you get Natural Born Citizen from this case. Many commentators and the Media seem to committed to confuse and combine Native and Natural born.
Your other references are commentaries, correct? Not Court decisions.
A paper copy generated by a computer is more real that the computer image?
Birth Notices have NO EVIDENTUARY VALUE. They are not based only on birth certificates.
As for the “Birth Certificates” shown so far, I would like to direct you to Sheriff Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse’s investigation. Their expertise and methodology are far beyond me.
I became interested in Barack Obama in early 2008 because I did’t like Hillary and was not happy with any of the Repub candidates. I’m convinced that he is not what the Media presented to us, and has gone to great lengths to obscure his past and ‘seal’ all his records. Why?
The Natural Born Citizen issue needs to be settled in court, but the Obama faction resists every effort. Why should US Citizens be denied “Standing” to investigate a Presidential candidate or President? There must be a reason or they would not have fought so hard against it.
If you want to believe that Obama was born in Hawaii, that is your decision. If you think that Native Born should be the same as Natural Born, that is your opinion. But I believe these questions and definitions need to be settled in an open Court of Law. It would be very easy for Obama’s lawyers to prove you right. Why don’t they? I am only pointing out that the provable evidence does not point that way, most of the real necessary evidence is “unavailable”. WHY?

March 12th, 2012 at 1:30 pm

Re: “the Court ruled he was a Citizen by birth or “Native born Citizen”, not Natural Born Citizen.”

The actual words of the court were:

“It thus clearly appears that, by the law of England for the last three centuries, beginning before the settlement of this country and continuing to the present day, aliens, while residing in the dominions possessed by the Crown of England, were within the allegiance, the obedience, the faith or loyalty, the protection, the power, the jurisdiction of the English Sovereign, and therefore every child born in England of alien parents was a natural-born subject unless the child of an ambassador or other diplomatic agent of a foreign State or of an alien enemy in hostile occupation of the place where the child was born.

III. The same rule was in force in all the English Colonies upon this continent down to the time of the Declaration of Independence, and in the United States afterwards, and continued to prevail under the Constitution as originally established.”

Do you remember syllogisms? If all men are mortal and George is a man, then George must be mortal.

Well, the Wong Kim Ark case ruled that every child born in the USA other than the children of foreign diplomats and invaders is a Natural Born Citizen, and Wong Kim Ark was born in the USA and his parents were not foreign diplomats or invaders. Therefore Wong Kim Ark, like Obama and Jindal and Rubio, was a US citizen.

“Based on the language of Article II, Section 1, Clause 4 and the guidance provided by Wong Kim Ark, we conclude that persons born within the borders of the United States are “natural born Citizens” for Article II, Section 1 purposes, regardless of the citizenship of their parents. Just as a person “born within the British dominions [was] a natural born-born subject” at the time of the framing of the U.S. Constitution, so too were those “born in the allegiance of the United States [ ] natural-born citizens.”— Ankeny v. Governor of the State of Indiana, 916 NE2d 678, 688 (2009), (Ind.Supreme Court, Apr. 5, 2010)

In fact, there have now been THREE state courts and one federal court (Georgia, Indiana, Arazona and the federal court ruling in Virginia cited above, all of which held that Obama is a Natural Born Citizen due to his birth in the USA and the Wong Kim Ark ruling that held that EVERY CHILD born in the USA is Natural Born.

It is well settled that “native-born” citizens, those born in the United States, qualify as natural born.” It is also clear that persons born abroad of alien parents, who later become citizens by naturalization,” do not.” Jill A. Pryor. The Natural-Born Citizen Clause and Presidential Eligibility: An Approach for Resolving Two Hundred Years of Uncertainty – Yale Law Journal 1988

“Under the longstanding English common-law principle of jus soli, persons born within the territory of the sovereign (other than children of enemy aliens or foreign diplomats) are citizens from birth. Thus, those persons born within the United States are “natural born citizens” and eligible to be President….”—- Edwin Meese, et al, THE HERITAGE GUIDE TO THE CONSTITUTION (2005) [Edwin Meese was Ronald Reagan’s attorney general, and the Heritage Foundation is a well-known Conservative organization.]

About a handful or more federal and state cases have described the US-born children of foreigners as Natural Born Citizens. Including:

Mustata v. US Dept. of Justice, 179 F.3d 1017 (6th Cir. 1999) (children born in US to two Romanian citizens described as “natural born citizens” of the US):

“Petitioners Marian and Lenuta Mustata are citizens of Romania. At the time of their petition, they resided in Michigan with their two minor children, who are natural born citizens of the United States.”

Diaz-Salazar v. INS, 700 F.2d 1156 (7th Cir. 1983) (child born in US to Mexican citizen is “natural born citizen” of US):

“Petitioner, Sebastian Diaz-Salazar, entered the United States illegally [from Mexico] in 1974 and has been living and working in Chicago since that time. *** The relevant facts which have been placed before the INS, BIA, and this court can be summarized as follows: The petitioner has a wife and two children under the age of three in Chicago; the children are natural-born citizens of the United States.”

The legal authorities are overwhelmingly in favor of the definition of Natural Born coming from the common law and referring to the PLACE of birth, not the parents.

To help you in your research, here are some sites:

March 12th, 2012 at 2:41 pm
William D Brayshaw

Your sources, or your reading of them, disagrees with mine. The idea that a 14th amendment citizen is the same as a Natural Born Citizen is illogical to me. The 14th am., “All persons born or naturalized… are citizens…” Do you think the Founders intended to include Naturalized immigrants as Natural Born Citizens? Why would they specify NBC for the President, but Citizen for Senators and Representatives?
You quote from the record of Wong Kim Ark, but they also sited Minor vs Happersett. Wong Kim Ark was not about NBC, but would he be allowed to return to the US after visiting China. He was born in the US to legal immigrants and was a 14th Am citizen.
You also cite cases such as Diaz-Salazar v. INS, this is obviously a decision by an activist Judge. The 14th Am. also states, “subject to the jurisdiction thereof..” An Illegal immigrant is here in DEFIANCE of US Jurisdiction. The “Anchor Baby” thing is illogical to me, why reward people for breaking the law?
That is why this whole issue needs to be settled in Court or Congress.
Thank you for the sites.

March 13th, 2012 at 12:25 pm
William D Brayshaw

There is new information being generated daily by investigators. This info on the “Birth Certificates” makes all other arguments null and void. I will report the site and the author’s synopsis.
This is part one of a three part story which will present evidence discovered within the vital records archives of the United States, Great Britain and the Prefecture of Hiroshima, Japan which shows that Barack Obama exploited the municipality of Hawaii and U.S. Vital Statistics reporting methods in order to counterfeit birth records in a criminal attempt to deceive the American people and fraudulently usurp the power of the U.S. Presidency.
SHOCK AND ODD –Along with previous evidence proving the image of Obama’s alleged 1961 “Certificate of Live Birth” posted on the internet in April, 2011 was digitally fabricated, we reveal powerful new evidence which shows that data contained on the document contradicts Obama’s birth narrative and vital statistical accounting methods used at the alleged time of his birth. Vast disparities between the natal information appearing in the image and the standard methods used by federal and municipal governments to code, identify and report the contents of U.S. vital records prove that Obama’s alleged Hawaiian birth record was assembled to intentionally obscure the truth about his natal biography.
DIRTY LITTLE SECRET: Historical evidence provided by the National Center for Health Statistics and the U.S. Reference Library System now confirms the information appearing within the image of Obama’s alleged 1961 “Certificate of Live Birth” disregards his actual foreign birthplace while, instead, providing a statistically based “geographic allocation” which is a result of a widely misunderstood natality data reporting policy which began in 1950. Stalling for four years since Obama announced his candidacy in February of 2007, under mounting political pressures and legal challenges, the White House unveiled a lone scrap of counterfeit information in the form of a desolate internet image which, after a six month criminal investigation, now confirms that Obama’s presidency is the single greatest hoax ever perpetrated on the American people.

Please note that Part 3 was only available since yesterday.
I will add a Quote from Part 3:
“Stunningly, Obama, himself, confirmed this definition of a Natural-born citizen in 2008 when he sponsored and voted for passage of Senate Resolution 511 which explicitly states that a candidate for U.S. President is a Natural-born citizen definitively and exclusively because he or she is born to two parents who are both U.S. citizens. The resolution was debated and passed unanimously without inquiry approving the eligibility of Republican candidate, John McCain, during the 2008 election campaign.”

I still say that this matter must be addressed by Congress and the Courts. This arguing about definitions, and interpretations has gotten out of hand and way away from the Founders intent. We are in a Constitutional Crisis and it must be resolved. The Courts can not be trusted in many cases and the Senate is politically dead-locked. The People must educate themselves and demand a Constitutional decision.

March 13th, 2012 at 7:20 pm

I totaly agree with above article. I have been following this since Obama was elected. So all you non-believers out there, if the article is too deep and past your intelligence level. Look at it this way>> Why would any public figure, much less the president spend a million dollars to keep all records and accounts of former life hidden? “We The People” have a right to know. His decisions made now, affect present and future citizens of our great Nation. If anybody can say that this man is not leaning to a communist regime
you are more dence than anyone could imagine. You will deserve everything you get. But the problem is you are affecting “us clear intelligent thinkers. There is a problem with this man holding the highest office in the land. No Doubts

March 14th, 2012 at 7:53 am

Couldn’t have done a better job myself. Thanks Bill!

March 14th, 2012 at 11:23 am

Even if the 14th amendment was the way the left has mis-construed it’s meaning. Let’s say for sake of arugement “you” are right. You are stll wrong. “Natural and/or “Native” born still states it MUST BE 2 “American Citizen” Parents. Obama’s father that he states in “Dreams of My Father “his words” not mine. He says My father was a “British Subject” on a Visa to go to school in USA. That makes Obama automaticly a British
Subject not an American Citizen. His mother never tried to give him citizenship. She was too busy hooking up with forigners. Any way people WAKE UP BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE. Even if you can’t put your finger on it common sense has to tell you something is very wrong about Obama holding the highest office in the land and hiding his past from “We The People” Ask yourself WHAT IS WRONG WITH THIS PICTURE???? OH MY WHERE HAS COMMON SENSE GONE?

March 14th, 2012 at 1:25 pm

Thank you for your well-written article, Mr. Brayshaw. This is a subject that needs to be brought out into the open and discussed because it concerns not only every American citizen but the future of our country. The subject of Obama’s eligibility has grown to the point where more than half of the people now question it. A great deal of confusion and misinformation stems from the fact that many people, including the courts and politicians, have interchanged the terms ‘Natural Born Citizen,” Native Born Citizen,” and “Citizen.” This has been done either out of ignorance or as an attempt to confuse.

In looking through some of the articles from references ehancock provided it is easy to see why people are so confused. If you read them carefully, you will see the articles start with Natural Born Citizen, but almost immediately abandons that and switch to “Native Born” and/or “Citizen” as the subject. When I got to the “Obama Conspiracy Theories” I was appalled at what some people inject into the debate. That site attempted to debunk every factual piece of information with trumped-up reasons/excuses. Statements preceded by “he probably” or “what might have happened” or even “this could be explained . .” are neither valid nor acceptable in a discussion of this magnitude. If they were, then I could say, “What probably happened was ehancock slipped on a banana peeling and suffered brain damage, and that could explain his inability to discern “natural born” from “native born.” But I won’t say that because it is an opinion but not a proven fact.

Perhaps ehancock’s confusion comes from the sites he chooses to frequent. I would respectfully suggest he, and any others who are still in doubt, take advantage of the reliable sites that are so readily available on the internet. As Mr. Brayshaw suggested, perhaps the Immigration and Nationality Act would confirm why, in 1961, the year that Barack Obama was born, under Sec. 301 (a) of the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952, Ann Dunham could not transmit citizenship of any kind to Barack Obama.
“ 7 FAM 1133.2-2 Original Provisions and Amendments to Section 301
(CT:CON-204; 11-01-2007)“a. Section 301 as Effective on December 24, 1952: When enacted in 1952, section 301 required a U.S. citizen married to an alien to have been physically present in the United States for ten years, including five after reaching the age of fourteen, to transmit citizenship to foreign-born children. The ten-year transmission requirement remained in effect from 12:01 a.m. EDT December 24, 1952, through midnight November 13, 1986, and still is applicable to persons born during that period.
“As originally enacted, section 301(a)(7) stated: Section 301. (a) The following shall be nationals and citizens of the United States at birth: (7) a person born outside the geographical limits of the United States and its outlying possessions of parents one of whom is an alien, and the other a citizen of the United States who, prior to the birth of such person, was physically present in the United States or its outlying possessions for a period or periods totaling not less than ten years, at least five of which were after attaining the age of fourteen years: Provided, That any periods of honorable service in the Armed Forces of the United States by such citizen parent may be included in computing the physical presence requirements of this paragraph.”

Mr. Brayshaw mentioned a Supreme Court case that confirmed the fact that a natural born citizen is one born in the United States of citizen parents. Details of that case and others can be found at
Fact 4 – Supreme Court Cases that cite “Natural Born Citizen” as one born on US soil to citizen parents.

You will find an easy to understand and factual explanation of the natural born citizen requirement in this video. The little-girl voice and animated graphics detract from the credibility of the presentation, but you can turn your speakers off and read most of it.

Did you listen to/read Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s report on Obama’s birth certificate? In separate reports as many as ten experts have come to the same conclusion. The only person who has publically contested those findings has posted his objections on an ehancock recommended site. He has been unable to duplicate the finding of the experts but that, in itself, only means he lacks the knowledge and ability to do so. Just because he can’t accomplish what at least ten independent experts plus the Arpaio team of experts have certainly doesn’t mean their findings are wrong.

Don’t be fooled by those people who claim every eligibility case has been thrown out of court. A case was never allowed to be heard in a court until the hearing in Georgia. While the judge there begrudgingly allowed a portion of the evidence to be presented he unfairly and illegally ignored it along with the fact that neither Obama nor his attorney appeared as ordered at the hearing. Appeals are pending.

Some reliable sites in addition to those recommended by Mr. Brayshaw that will help you understand the eligibility question as well as inform you of the evidence that has been uncovered:

There is so much more about Obama that has been discovered by reliable sources but which he refuses to address. I hope to see more articles by Mr. Brayshaw about Obama’s Social Security number, his suspect Selective Service registration and missing documentation as well as his close associates and the many suspect activities in which he is and has been involved. As Obama himself said, “The only people who don’t want to disclose the truth are people with something to hide.”

Please take the time to inform yourself. This is the most important issue facing our country now, and our future depends on the outcome. If one usurper is allowed to hold the title of President then nothing will stop others from doing the same. Do we really want to take the chance of having a president from an enemy country?

March 15th, 2012 at 1:39 pm
William D Brayshaw

Thank you all for your comments.
I believe there is a “Generational Drift” on the eligibility question. I graduated from High School in 1961 and there was no question then.
By 1970 many high shools and most colleges were taken over by liberals and were teaching (indoctrinating) students more in the United Nations and being good little global citizens than in American exceptualism, and the basics of Constitutional Govt. For 40 years there has been a steady drift to the left.
Our Fore-Fathers gave us a blueprint for a perfect govt and a Constitution to limit its powers and intrusion into our lives. We have allowed the Federal Govt to become too powerful and far too intrusive in every facet of our lives.
We need a Reawakening of understanding of our Constitution and what it means to be an American.
If we ignore it we will lose it and our God given rights that it guarantees.

March 15th, 2012 at 8:36 pm

Again another well written article by Molly.
What else do you need “ehancock”? I am not that good of a “word smith” but I do know & feel that even if none of the above were true, we are being led down the ” path to communism” A great hoax has been played on the American Citizens. Here is a quote from Khruschev in 1959
“We cannot expect the American ppl 2 jump from Capitalism to Communism but we can assist their elected leaders in giving Americans small
doses of Socialism until they suddenly awake to find they have Communism” Nikita Khrushchev 1959 Soviet Leader.
The Sheeple just can’t be that stupid to not reconize that the policies Obama and previous administrations have put into place keeps taking us futher from the foundation & intent of our founding fathers. I will refur you to the below site to give you an idea of what our fellow Americans have voted into office. How Many Members Of The U.S. Congress Are Self-Declared Socialists?
If we don’t change our voting habits we will be a “Totalitarian Nation” with OBAMA at the helm as a permanent dictator. Open your eyes before it is too late. This is what makes 2012 the most important election of our lifetime. I leave you with a quote to absorb.
There are two ways to conquer and enslave a nation. One is by the sword. The other is by debt… John Adams, 1826

March 16th, 2012 at 8:22 am
William D Brayshaw

I didn’t want to get into it in this thread, but Tpgow is right. As Bill Whittle has explained, a “Constrained Democracy” (constrained by a Constitution – a Constitutional Republic) is a stable form of govt that protects the rights of its citizens, But an “Unconstrained Democracy” is not, and likely to be a transitory phase to anarchy and dictatorship. Indigent and irresponsible voters elect representatives that will give them “something for free”, – but it must be paid by someone. Buying votes with programs financed by debt is shifting the debt to our children and grandchildren. That is criminal. It is also the Cloward-Pivens Strategy developed at Columbia University to destroy America and cause a ‘Socialist’ revolution. This is the Radical Left’s plan of many Obama supporters and appointees to install a powerful Centralised Govt and Dictatorship of the Proletariat.
Read Francis Fox Pivens, Van Jones, Cass Sunstein, Anita Dunn, Chu, Holdren, and Eric Holder. See what they do and what they have said in the past, their plans for America are based on Marx, Lenin, Alinski, and Derrick Bell’s “Critical Race Theory.”
It is not pretty. Socialism is only the “bait”, the hook is Totalitarian Govt run by self-appointed “Intellectual Elites” based on Marxism and their views of what is good for the Planet and the people, but mostly what is good for them.
Michele Obama’s Endless Vacations are a good case in point. No real “socialist” could approve of such ‘conspicuous consumption’ and out-right waste. They tell us that we must make-do with less and give the govt more ?? Why? For crony-capitalism like Solyndra? And a dozen more. Campaign trips on Air Force One? Michele’s vacations?

March 16th, 2012 at 9:57 am

The crux of this commentary is basically as Mr. Brayshaw sets forth in his last few replies. The political divide is widening and each new question brings forth additional widening. The opinion of the left is always going to lean toward the benefit of Mr. Obama. The opinion from the right is going to lean toward the illegality of Obama’s presidency. One can usually put a tad bit of faith in a position that is staunchly opposed by the main stream media when it deals with a democrat subject. The reverse will consistently be the position to take if the MSM takes a pro stance. That is based on my opinion and the history of the left leaning MSM. Regardless of what position anyone takes in this particular discussion, the ultimate decision, again as cited by Mr. Brayshaw, must be made by Congress or the Supreme Court. Nothing short of that will calm the decent or resolve the discussion.

March 17th, 2012 at 12:15 pm
William D Brayshaw

Mpayne brings up an excellent point concerning the MSM. Are we a Nation of Law or Mob-Rule by Fads? It appears that we are becoming a “Media-oracy” because many people are greatly influenced by the MSM. Many people vote based on what the MSM tells them. Over the past 4 years, many people have told me,”If there was any question about Obama’s eligibility the Media would have been all over it, right?” Wrong. Most of the Media pundits are much farther left than the “average” Democrat voter. The Media created the “Obama Sensation” without honestly investigating him, and in some cases actively covering up things likely to be unpopular with voters. Their credibility is tightly tied to the Obama Administration. If he is exposed it will prove their incompetence, leftist sympathies, and out-right manipulation of the “news”. They can’t let that happen.

March 17th, 2012 at 1:29 pm

I don’t know if any of you out there are aware of the facts or non-facts concerning Obama’s religion. Is he a Christian or is he a Muslim. We all know that he says he is a Christian, but he has made some very disparaging remarks and mis quotes concerning the Bible. According to the last poll taken 75% of Americans believe he is of Muslim faith. Well here is an eye opener for you. The Islam Religion states if your father is Muslim you automaticly inherit your fathers faith when you are born. This is another fact that the MSM and the democrats covered up before he was elected. As you can see They have done nothing but talk about Romney being a Mormon trying to turn the tide against, but insist that Obama is a Christian that I have my druthers about. I refer you to this article

Lets face it folks. When he was running for the highest office in the land in 2008 Americans were convinced he could walk on water. Now 3 yrs later we find out he can’t even swim. I rest my case. I would love some replies on this subject

March 17th, 2012 at 4:52 pm
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