A Grand Party The Anniversary Of The Treasure Chest by Sue Kubecka

Archived in the category: Events, General Info
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 22 Mar 12 - 0 Comments

Kirk and Joanie Morgan celebrated one year at their current location (the pink building on the highway) on March 17. The Treasure Chest has been open in Port O’Connor for the past six years.

Saturday, March 17, 2012 was the day! This was the Anniversary Celebration of the opening of the Treasure Chest in the Pink building on the Highway. And what a party it was!

I was warned in advance to be sure and wear green, after all, it was St. Patrick’s Day, and when I arrived, I found not only a large container of lemonade-limeade, but beautifully frosted green cupcakes as well! No green beer though; it does bad things to your teeth and tongue!

Joanie and Kirk Morgan are the owners of this very unusual shop here in POC. You get a definite feeling of “beach living” as soon as you walk in the door as there are some very unusual and desirable beach tote bags arranged nearby. Entering and walking around you see a corner of items all in the color red and another corner holding a display of black. A huge assortment of delightfully decorated T-shirts — no, that isn’t correct as they are definitely NOT T-shirts — shirt-blouses hang on racks; I saw flamingos and stars and palm trees on some of these; and I also got the impression that you didn’t have to be skinny to wear them! I enjoyed looking at the large selection of stunningly crafted jewelry, in all colors and metals. And in another area were sandals and sandals and sandals; all very tastefully decorated. Just made me want to ditch my deck shoes and wander around showing my toes! But I’d have to see Teresa first!

On the walls are painting after painting, done in oils and acrylics, and also other types of artistic decorations; I saw a piece made from driftwood and draped with turquoise beads that really catches the wanderer’s eye; also a huge bit of polished wood with 2 ducks emerging. Many of these artists are local residents and some are from nearby areas. As both Joanie and Kirk believe in giving back to the community, it was uplifting to see so many represented.

But the prime object for me was a sign saying: “You can shake the sand from your shoes, but it never leaves your soul”, and this is what this very unusual “treasure chest” of a shop conveys.

Adding to the influx of visitors to the shop from many areas including LaGrange, Victoria, Port Lavaca and other nearby towns was a delightful band of musicians, Hiway 316. This group is definitely local being from Magnolia Beach; they play for various events, often giving of their time without recompense, and were the entertainment at the recent Benefit Dinner for Jerry Nutt on March 3rd. They perform a medley of country & western and pop music; all of which leaves you tapping your toes.

Currently maintaining winter hours of Friday and Saturday from 10-5 and Sunday from 10-2, Joanie said that they will be resuming their regular hours shortly. As you can’t miss this building as you are driving down the highway, it’s the only PINK one nearby, do plan to stop in and say hello.

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