Letters to the Dolphin

Archived in the category: General Info, Letters to the Dolphin
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 22 Mar 12 - 0 Comments

Thank You

Our successful 38th barbecue showed how our community supports our 72-year-old Boy Scout program.

We want to thank all those who cooked, served, and bought tickets for a great meal. The auction was fun and raised funds to keep our Scouts busy for another year. We thank everybody who contributed and bought auction items. A very special thanks to the Lions Club for pitching in and working so hard for us. They showed us a real service organization.

Troop 106 and Cub Pack 106
Boy Scouts of America
Seadrift, Texas

To the Editor:

While visiting my parents in Port O’Connor, I always take time to read and enjoy Dolphin Talk. I must admit, however, that while reading the Feb. 24 issue, I was a bit disappointed not to see “the other side” of the views expressed by Peggy Venable (“Economic Freedom,” page 5).

Venable is a spokesperson for an organization, Americans for Prosperity, that like many such organizations, would prefer that those of us struggling to reach or maintain middle-class economic status not realize that the organization is the tool of the oil billionaire Koch brothers, Charles and David Koch, who spend millions to fight any legislation protecting workers or the environment. The AFP budget topped $40 million in 2010.

That $40 million was not spent to make you and me more prosperous; it was an investment in the continued prosperity of the Koch brothers and others who prefer that their tax loopholes and low tax rates be ignored while they focus attention elsewhere.

For the last 30 years Texas has had a higher poverty rate than the nation as a whole, and in 2007 had the second highest poverty rate in America: 16.5 percent of our total population or 3.934 million Texans. In 2007 Texas also ranked ninth in its poverty rate for the elderly; it ranked forty-ninth in the percentage of its adult population with a high school diploma; and it ranked first, at 24.4 %, in the percent of its populace with no health insurance.

Yet Ms. Venable thinks that Texas can solve all its problems and bring about economic prosperity by the simple act of “opposing local government growth and spending or tax increases or bond proposals.” As state budget cuts fall heaviest on our schools and most vulnerable citizens, we are going to bring them economic prosperity by refusing to fund needed services?

For the one percent like the Koch brothers, who already bask in personal economic surpluses, Americans for Prosperity offers more prosperity if its positions gain support from the rest of us. What it offers us may well turn out to be overcrowded schools and emergency rooms and polluted bays.

I can only pray that the citizens of Calhoun County, as well as the rest of Texas, think about the meaning behind the simplistic solutions proposed by this group. We all are Americans and we all want more prosperity for ourselves and our state, we all agree that we should indeed take active part in local government meetings, but we need to think carefully about the impact penny-pinching policies will have on everyone except the super rich.

Janice Albrecht Stalder

Dear Friends,

Thank you for your steadfast support for the McGee family during Bob’s illness. During times like these we realize how much friends really mean.

We would not call names because we may miss someone.

Thank you all. Your expressions of sympathy will always be remembered.

May God bless you in a very special way.

Love and Prayers,
The McGees

Reference article in March 9th issue of Dolphin Talk, “The Eligibility Question”, by William Brayshaw:

In case you are under the false impression that the contents of the above article “The Eligibility Question” are remotely correct, I suggest that you take the effort to find out for yourself, as I have done, if what the author suggests are facts, are a compilation of half truths, distortions, and outright falsehoods.

First, this link shown below clearly explains why President Obama is indeed a natural born citizen: http://www.snopes.com/politics/obama/citizen.asp

In reading the above, you will see that it is the 14th Amendment that states that “All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States.” Since Hawaii is part of the United States, even if both of President Obama’s parents were Non-US citizens, he’d still qualify by our constitution as a natural born citizen.

Similarly, the following link also debunks such baseless claims: http://www.factcheck.org/2008/11/its-official-obama-born-in-the-usa/

This article by Factcheck.org says, and I quote, “ Of all the nutty rumors, baseless conspiracy theories and sheer disinformation that we’ve dealt with at Factcheck.org perhaps the goofiest is the claim that Barack Obama is not a “natural born citizen” and therefore not eligible to be president under the constitution”.

Furthermore, Politfact.com lists the unfounded allegation that President Obama wasn’t born in Hawaii as “A Pants On Fire” falsehood: http://www.politifact.com/texas/statements/2011/apr/27/leo-berman/state-rep-leo-berman-says-kapiolani-medical-center/
The above link says, and I quote, “PolitiFact has checked at least five other claims about Obama’s birthplace, finding no truth to any of them.”

I could go on and on with many other references, but I think that the reader’s own common sense is best for evaluating all this bunk about President Obama not being a natural born citizen.

If there was any shred of truth to this, why then do all leading Republicans ignore this non-issue? Plus, the US Supreme Court has “… refused to hear every Obama citizenship case submitted to date…” The reference for this fact about the Supreme Court is: http://urbanlegends.about.com/od/barackobama/a/obama_citizenship_questioned_2.htm

My final advice is, be very skeptical of any political agenda article, especially when they defy your basic common sense. Do as I have done, check things out for yourself. Fortunately for all of us who like to have our facts correct, the Internet is a great vehicle for ascertaining the truth and exposing distortions and falsehoods. All you need is an inquiring mind and a desire to find out for yourself what’s true, and what isn’t.

Gib Fox
Colonel, USAF Retired

To Col. Gib Fox,

I have spent a great deal of time studying Barack Hussein Obama, Jr. since 2008. First, because I saw him as a good alternative to Hillary Clinton and I was less than thrilled with the Republicans. The more you look, the less you find, mostly smoke and mirrors. He is not what we were sold in 2008 by the Media.

How can you equate 14th Amendment citizenship with Natural Born Citizen when the 14th states, “All persons born or naturalized … are citizens…”? Do you consider an alien immigrant that is Naturalized is a Natural Born Citizen? That is illogical. Why would the Founders specify Natural Born Citizen if they meant any Citizen.

This is why this issue and the definitions need to decided in a Court of Law, where the evidence can be also be seen by ‘The People’. Why do Obama’s lawyers continue to resist any attempt to settle this in Court if they believed they were right? Why do they spend a fortune on ‘sealing’ his records? And why present a computer drawn ‘document’ that was easily exposed as a forgery? The Left/lib media and .orgs marginalize and demonize those that seek the truth, their major defense is name-calling, when it would be simple to release the records. If a Repub was this secretive the Media would be having fits.

Judges throw out the Eligibility cases on the “Lack of Judicial Standing” of US Citizens and voters ?? Even other presidential Candidates? How can We the People be denied “Legal Standing”? What are they so afraid of? There are now challenges in 17 State courts and the Supreme Court. Evidence, now even criminal evidence, is mounting up.

Sheriff Joe’s Cold Case Posse set out to prove the Obama birth story true, but the evidence didn’t support it. Since you won’t believe anything I say, Google it yourself and see the evidence they presented. That convinced me to the point that I was willing to stick my neck out and write the article. I don’t know what they are hiding, but it must be very important for them to spend the effort and money to keep it hidden.

And you question my “Agenda”? It is the Constitution, the United States of America, and Texas, our God given Rights and freedom. What do you think Barack Hussein Obama’s “Agenda” is now?

Bill Brayshaw AKA Longknife 21

UN To Vote On States’ Voter Id Law

Why do the democrats fight so hard to allow non-citizens to vote in United States elections?

Ref: democracynow.org/2012/3/13/naacp_head_benjamion_jealous_in_geneva . I quote from the article: “ Since last year, 15 states have passed new voting laws that critics say suppress the votes of the poor, students, and people of color.. The NAACP wants a U.N. delegation of experts to monitor the impact of voter identification laws, as well as new restrictions on same-day registration, early voting, Sunday voting, and making it harder to run a voting registration drive.” — In short, why can’t the democrats register whomever they want to vote. Where does this administration get off having the world body dictate how we AMERICANS run voting in our individual states? Nowhere in the U.S. Constitution, nor in the Declaration of Independence does it say we are subject to ANY foreign nation or world rule!!

There was a news story concerning a Texas Hispanic student who is also scheduled to testify, but I have been unable to find any info on him.

Again, let me remind everyone that as it now stands in Texas, anyone may register to vote and acquire a Texas driver’s license without any citizenship supporting documents . When I went to my cardiologist in Victoria a few months ago, I was required to show a TX Driver’s License. When you cash a check, you are required to show photo id. Under the present Texas law, you can show a utility bill and vote.

Again, I ask, “Why should the democrats fight so hard to allow ANY foreign national to vote for the American President, or any other American government representative??

Connie Hunt
Port Lavaca

Restoring the Train Depot

The City of Seadrift is in the process of restoring the original Train Depot (circa 1906) at 201 S. Main into a Museum & Visitor Center. Work completions to date are: 1) Moving the structure, 2) Securing the foundation to meet windstorm requirements, 3) Repair of structural defects and strengthening, 4) Additional installation of hurricane clips and straps and 5) The installation of a windstorm certified roof, with Hardi-Facia boards and new Hardi-Soffits. ALL completed at this time.

The near term goal of this project is to have the structure’s exterior complete and ready for our Centennial Celebration which will occur on December 1, 2012. Then we’ll have the interior to work on!

The final closing and drying in of the structure will commence today to cover the areas dismantled for structural repairs with plywood. This will include the covering of areas that were originally freight doors with faux freight doors in keeping with the original look. This work is in preparation for the future installation of siding and trim with Hardi-Plank & Hardi-Trim with new Doors and Caulking, Priming and Painting of the exterior.

Final exterior work will commence in the near future – Pending one important item:

There is the need for donors to step forward to provide as much of the needed Hardi-Plank and Hardi-Trim materials as possible.

Would your organization, or you personally, be willing to contribute to the exterior completion of this restoration with part or all of the needed materials OR a monetary donation of an amount you are comfortable with?

For Monetary Donations, A special account has been set up by the City specific to the Restoration.

The amount of Hardi-Plank siding needed is approximately 1,600 square feet. The type of Hardi-Plank to be installed will depend on the initial type donated as once it is started it is desired to stay with the same finish, unless sufficient funds are obtained to purchase the desired type.

1) The first preference would be Select Cedar-Mill @ 7¼ inches wide.

2) The second preference would be Colonial Rough-Sawn @ 8 inches wide.

3) The Hardi-Trim would be 7/16” Cedar-Mill in mixed quantities of 3½” and 5½” wide.

Past donors of money, materials and/or professional services include the owner of the structure, Bo Cunningham, Fowler Movers, Urban Engineering, Seadrift Chamber of Commerce, Rohe Builders, Lynn & Associates Engineering and Lillian Stubbs. A number of individuals have donated from a few hours to many hours of labor in the form of time, construction equipment and vehicles to pick-up and transport construction materials; among these are Jerry Amason, Sr., Peter DeForest, Jr. and Larry Kelley.

Sincerely thanking you for your consideration to donate what you can for this project!

Elmer DeForest, Mayor of Seadrift

The Dolphin welcomes letters from our readers on any subject that is of general interest to our audience. Letters should be 300 words or less (with exceptions at the Dolphin’s discretion). Letters reflect the opinion of the writer, and not that of Dolphin Talk staff, and we retain the right to determine suitability for publication. It is the policy of this newspaper to promote area interests: therefore, complaints against local businesses should be directed elsewhere. Letters must be signed and include day and evening phone numbers, which will not be published. Your name will be withheld upon request, but anonymous material will not be considered for publication.

Letters to the Dolphin:
Dolphin Talk, P.O. Box 777
Port O’Connor, TX 77982

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