The Way I See It… Guest Column by William D. Brayshaw

Archived in the category: Featured Writers, General Info
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 22 Mar 12 - 0 Comments

“The Way I See It” is an attempt by the guest columnist to enlighten readers on a subject, as he views it, and does not necessarily reflect the views of this publication. Comments on this article may be addressed to the author or to: Dolphin Talk, P.O. Box 777, Port O’Connor, TX 77982; ; Email: or to the author at

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Defining a Nation – Opinion

What really defines a Nation? Many will say language, currency, economy, and culture, and these are important, but three characteristics are more important: Borders, Citizenship and Law.


Without secure borders a Nation can not exist. A Nation that can not or will not secure its borders is subject to destruction from a variety of sources: uncontrolled and illegal immigration, smuggling, even armed invasion. We have watched the effects of illegal immigration on economic factors such as unemployment of citizens and the stress on Social Services and Welfare as these new “residents” demand and qualify for equal entitlements and services as citizens. In decades past many workers came from Mexico and Central America to work, send money home, and after a period of time, return to their homes and families. That is no longer the norm. Illegal workers that have financial success soon have their families follow them, and once here quickly qualify for Food Stamps, WIC, and many other programs, often aided by political agents that are sometimes openly hostile to America. Also, their children need school, and since they can’t speak English, are given teachers that can teach in their language. This is a very negative input, because their lack of English prevents assimilation – educationally, economically, and socially. We are creating another poverty under-class, resentful of Americans, and ripe for exploitation by both unscrupulous employers and socialist political propagandists hostile to America.

Even more dangerous are illegal aliens that come here with criminal intent or terrorists intent on bringing war to our shores. The alien smuggling rings are also connected to the drug smuggling rings that have grown into “Cartels”. Our southern border has become a battleground. Not only are the Narcotrafficantes fighting local, State, and Federal police, but other Cartels.

They have become so extreme and powerful that armed bands roam areas of our border, sometimes with the support of criminal elements of the Mexican military. This has grown into an armed invasion.


In our Constitutional Republic, we use the democratic process of voting to choose the people that will represent us at the State and Federal levels as well as our local officials. Citizenship has always been a requirement for voting and to be a candidate for office. Our highest office, the President, requires a stronger definition of citizen “natural born Citizen”. This was understood by our Founders to be a person born in the USA with both parents being citizens. The reason was to avoid having a President and Commander-in-Chief that had dual-citizenship or divided loyalties. This requirement has been under attack for over a decade and actually ignored by government since 2008.

All citizens are ‘equal before the Law’, but there are differences in citizenship:

1. Natural Born Citizens, or natives as defined by Vattel’s Law of Nations: Born in this country (or under the jurisdiction) with both parents being citizens at time of birth.

2. 14th Amendment citizens, often called “Native born citizens”: “All persons born or naturalized in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside.” US Const., 14th Am.,Sec 1. (Emphasis added)

3. Naturalized citizens or citizens by law.

#1. Needs no further explanation.

#2. Means that a child born in the US “ and subject to the jurisdiction thereof,” is automatically a citizen. But what is “subject to the jurisdiction thereof”? At least one parent is a US citizen or a US documented permanent resident, a legal immigrant that has expressed a desire to become a US citizen. Diplomats are specifically exempt. Foreigners traveling, studying, or working in the US under passport and temporary visa retain their citizenship and children born to them inherit that citizenship. A woman that comes to the US illegally and has a child is in defiance of US jurisdiction not subject to it and has no Lawful claim to US citizenship for that child. Liberal activists and activist judges have twisted and perverted the “law” for several decades, and it needs to be put right.

#3. Naturalization is a legal process that an immigrant must go through to become a citizen, that should require a term of residency, tests on Constitutional Law, US history, and English comprehension. “Naturalization” is also the paper-work that a child of American parents born abroad should do to legally confirm US citizenship.

Law: We are a Nation of Law (or at least are supposed to be). Our Foundation is “We the People”, commonly referred to as The Constitution of the United States. Our Federal Government and the several States have hundreds of thousands (probably millions) of pages of laws, regulations, and ordinances, but all are subservient to The Constitution. When the people defy these laws, the government calls them criminals, and punishes them. When politicians defy the law sometimes they are exposed and lightly punished, but usually it is quickly forgotten, or ignored completely. When government agencies, prominent political leaders, judges, the Attorney General, and the President defy The Constitution, and Congress and the Federal Courts do nothing, then there is a Constitutional Crisis and the entire fabric of our Nation is in danger of being torn asunder and destroyed.

It has taken 50 years for Lib/Progressive socialists to destroy common sense and The People’s understanding and respect for Borders, Citizenship and the Law, but they have been largely successful. Whether by actions in Courts, or by Congress passing new laws to clarify and strengthen our National Sovereignty, we must defend our borders, control immigration with an eye to encouraging assimilation, and throw out politicians and judges that refuse to follow the Constitution. There has been far too much experimentation with ‘social engineering’ by the most radical socialist elements of our political spectrum and this trend needs to be reversed.

The future of our Nation is in jeopardy, we are at a tipping-point.

Bill Brayshaw, Seadrift, aka


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