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Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 12 Apr 12 - Comments Off on BUNCO BUNCO BUNCO By Sue Kubecka

The March 3rd meeting of the Bunco Group really amazed themselves with the quality of their playing and winning too! It seems that Peggy Elliott was not only the recipient of a prize for winning the Most Games, but she also got the Floating Bunco award. And Carol Haverfield amazed everyone by winning the most Buncos; not only did she get a prize at the end of the evening, but during the time of play, she was gifted with the Bunco award of two bunnies on a necklace to wear.

Sadly, June Westling won the least games, but she still won a prize, and Annette Leach was somehow the winner of the Booby prize.
Mary Ann Claiborne, Shirley Gordon and Diane Cooley were the hostesses that evening, and their attention to delicious items for snacking is hard to beat.

However, the hostesses for May 1st, the next Bunco Party, will be Joyce Jordan and Sue Kubecka, and when those two get together, well, be prepared to be astonished. Call Shirley Gordon at the Library for further information. See you there on Tuesday Evening, May 1st at 7:00 pm!

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