Chapel Happenings by Erny McDonough

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Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 12 Apr 12 - Comments Off on Chapel Happenings by Erny McDonough

Port O’Connor Easter Sunrise Service -Photo by Doyle Adams

The weather was almost perfect for Resurrection Sunday in Port O’Connor. There were over 450 people who gathered at the Front Beach to praise the Risen Savior. Reverend Donnie Martin, the new First Baptist pastor, was introduced. Raymond Grant led the congregation in singing “He Lives” and “Because He Lives”. The Baptist Choir sang a very difficult song excellently. The message was titled “Easter’s Promise” and because of a weak voice, I had to use the microphone! The Chapel had the coffee hot and Cathy’s cinnamon rolls were over the top (as usual)! The sun came up as if on cue and the Port O’Connor Easter Sunrise Service was truly a memorable event. One participant said that if this event keeps growing, we will need the services of the Sheriff’s Office to help direct traffic! What a great way to begin Spring in our community! I only wish that we could find other times and occasions to join together to praise the Lord!

Next Sunday, the Chapel will host Missionary Ernie Peacock, who will be going to Spain to help build churches. The Reverend Peacock is a veteran missionary, serving many years in Mexico. He and his wife Sandra will be here for only one service and the Chapel will be receiving a special offering for their ministry.

The Sea Academy is conducting another class at the Chapel, which will conclude on April 20. Captain Robert is the instructor and has an excellent record in successful student completions. Those interested in further information are welcomed to come by the Chapel, or call Captain Robert at 361/816-3010 or the Sea Academy at 361/758-6184. The next class at the Chapel is scheduled for June 22-29.

We are facing a full calendar of events here at the Chapel. We are already planning for our Mother’s Day celebration, which we believe will be one of the best yet. Wounded Warriors Weekend is quickly approaching and we are already gathering our supplies. Last year, we made 700 breakfast tacos and we understand that we will be needing even more this year. We will be looking to the community to help us as usual. Father’s Day will be special as we honor our dads in an appropriate way!

The Chapel is a growing, interdenominational congregation whose goal is to see people of this community helped along on our journey to Heaven. We sincerely believe that Jesus has promised us abundant life – life to its fullest – and then Heaven after we leave planet earth. We are working to see that become a reality for everyone in this area! You will always find a warm welcome here at the Chapel and are urged to, “Come, grow with us!”

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