Chapel Happenings by Erny McDonough

Archived in the category: General Info, Organizations
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 26 Apr 12 - Comments Off on Chapel Happenings by Erny McDonough

God is doing some awesome things around this world. This past Sunday evening, we hosted Missionaries Ernie and Sandra Peacock. The Peacocks resided in southern Mexico for 17 years and helped to plant over 250 churches throughout Mexico and Latin America. They have been invited to work with the Assemblies of God in Spain, training and mentoring church planters as part of a new initiative to plant 1,000 churches throughout Spain by the year 2020! We are honored to have the opportunity to partner with them as they help build the Kingdom of God throughout the world.

Our Fisherman’s Bible Institute class had to move its meetings to Thursday night this past week because Pastor Joane was ministering to over 30 ladies at a Women’s Conference at El Campo. The reports of what the Lord did for those ladies are still coming in, but we do know that after the message, many of those ladies spent over a hour praying around the altars. Heaven will reveal the true results.

Captain Robert had another very successful Sea Academy class at the Chapel last week. All seven students completed the assigned course and are awaiting their Coast Guard Licenses. The next class here at the Chapel is scheduled for June 22-29. All interested students should contact Captain Robert at 361/816/3010 or the Sea Academy at 361/758-6184.

We have been working hard in the Retreat Center. With the leadership of Julian, we have finished the ceilings and sheetrock for two of the three bedrooms and the great room. We hope that this week we will be able to have it ready for painting – I know that this is a high goal, but Dad always told me if my goals were not high enough, I would never get done what I can accomplish!

Mother’s Day is right around the corner and we are planning to have some special surprises for our mothers. Every mom present will be presented with a token of our appreciation and an evening dinner is planned in their honor. Our special guests for Mother’s Day will be Gene and Mona Summers. They have been here several times before and are always a great blessing. Why don’t you come and bring your mother to this special celebration?

Friday Night Youth is going in high gear with activities, food, and fellowship for all kids in this area. Each Friday from 7:00 until 10:00 p.m., kids of all ages gather at the Chapel for an evening of Godly Fun! Remember, we allow our workers to rest on the first Friday of each month, therefore, no FNY on May 4. But, be looking for more information about a Youth Rally on May 18 – more details later.

The Chapel is a loving group of Christians who gather with one goal: to love one another! We welcome all to come join in the activities, whether it is the Sunday Morning Bible Study at 10:00 a.m., the Morning Worship Service at 11:00 a.m., the Sunday evening service is at 6:00 p.m., or the Wednesday evening service at 7:00 p.m. You will always find a warm welcome here and are urged to, “Come, grow with us!”

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