“Picking Up the Pieces, Again!” by Joyce Rhyne

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Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 26 Apr 12 - Comments Off on “Picking Up the Pieces, Again!” by Joyce Rhyne

The headline above is the subtitle of the book, “Vera Kara’s Family”, a novel based on the memories of a Central Texas lady, granddaughter of an Austrian Baron and daughter of the Austrian brew master to Czar Nicholas.

The story begins in the early 1900’s, in a German settlement in the Volga River Valley of Russia. It continues with the family’s escape across Siberia to China where Vera was born in 1921, the rebuilding of their wealth and its loss to the Communists, and then centers on the Vera’s life as she settles in Texas, experiencing  the joys and sorrows that comprised her life. As the book jacket says, “Although the Kara story could be one of hate and regret, it is instead one of hope for tomorrow, as the family rebuilds after each tragedy by relating life’s disappointments to the dust bin of yesterday.”

Author Agnes Hannes, who is a part-time resident of Port O’Connor, was distantly related by marriage to Vera Kara. Eight years in production, the book is based on extensive interviews of  Vera and her son, plus research of historical events that make up much of the story.  It also includes photos of many of the people and places in the Kara Family odyssey.

When not in Port O’Connor, “Aggie” Hannes resides in LaGrange, Texas.  I met Aggie at the Treasure Chest’s anniversary celebration in March.  Her friendliness and her enthusiasm about the life of her friend Vera Kara easily persuaded me to purchase and read Vera Kara’s Family. While I don’t usually take the time to read books for pleasure, once I started this book, I couldn’t put it down. History, adventure, romance, and love of family all come together for a memorable reading experience.

Vera Kara’s Family can be purchased in paperback or Kindle eBook at www.amazon.com.


Author Agnes Hannes

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