Port O’Connor Service Club News by Sue Kubecka

Archived in the category: General Info, Organizations
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 26 Apr 12 - Comments Off on Port O’Connor Service Club News by Sue Kubecka

This year’s POC Service Club’s Spring Garage Sale was very well attended, providing needed funds for the Club to use for their projects benefitting the community.

Thankfully, GARAGE SALE MANIA has ended at least until the Fall! During the meeting on April 4, 2012, the members of the POC Service Club were extremely gratified to learn of the success of both the very recent Garage Sale and accompanying Bake Sale. Gratified for all to breathe a sign of relief, and then to start preparing for the next one. However, many have received thanks from the membership at large which included all those women who worked Thursday and Friday preparing for the sale, and then those who returned on Saturday to help during the Sale. Husbands of members also received a huge thank you, and much gratitude was directed to a charming and very helpful gentleman visitor to our area who was available on Saturday to help in many areas including setting up the sign on the highway. But the recipient of the most thank yous was member, Susie Onishi who has worked for the past 6 months sorting and organizing the donations of items which made it much easier to set up the items for sale. However, we cannot be amiss without sending out our thanks to the four stalwart members of the local Coast Guard Station who were there to load boxes and boxes onto trucks and trailers for delivery to the Community Center, and then remained to unload all the boxes as needed.

Kathy Yearwood and Grady Jean Clark have announced their participation in the upcoming Warriors’ Weekend on May 18th and 19th and are enlisting the cooperation and assistance of the membership. Needed will be many desserts that will be served during the Fish Fry on Friday evening as well as money donations for the fruit to be served at the Saturday morning breakfast. Additionally, it was announced that a meeting for all Volunteers was to be held on April 30th at 6:00 p.m. at the First Baptist Church.

President, Janet Johnson reminded each member that beginning in May and continuing until September there would be only one meeting of the Service Club. Remember that the only meeting in May will be held on May 3rd at 10:00 a.m. in the Meeting Room of the Community Center.

Mary Belle Meitzen of the Calhoun County Historical Society will be speaking about the State of Texas designation of Port O’Connor Cemetery as a Historic Cemetery. All ladies are invited to attend.

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