Bunco Bunco Bunco by Sue Kubecka

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Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 10 May 12 - Comments Off on Bunco Bunco Bunco by Sue Kubecka

A group of fun-loving ladies met Tuesday, May 1st for their monthly Bunco affair, and what fun each had. Under the chairmanship of our very creative member, Joyce Jordan, a May Day celebration took place to the total delight of all present. There were bountiful desserts, thirst quenching drinks and savory ham and chicken rollups as provided by Co-Host Debbie Busby. After an hour or so of nibbling, the membership decided it was time to get serious and play began. At the conclusion of play, the following winners were announced, and each prize was accompanied by an original photograph of a flower on the card. Shirley Gordon was the big winner by winning the most games, and Melinda Wilson garnered the prize for the most buncos. Mary Ann Claiborne earned the floating bunco award, and Sarah Kay Reneau was given the booby prize. Completing the group of winners was Pat Ekstrom with winning the least number of games.

The next Bunco party will be Tuesday, June 5th at 7:00 p.m. in the Meeting Room of the Community Center. Hostesses at that time will be Mary Ann Claiborne, Annette Leach and Pat Ekstrom, and remembering Mary Ann’s fondness of cream puffs —- well, it will be another fun evening. For further information please call Shirley Gordon at the Library.

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