Letters to the Dolphin

Archived in the category: General Info, Letters to the Dolphin
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 10 May 12 - Comments Off on Letters to the Dolphin

I guess I’ll never learn.

Every time there is a fishing tournament held at the community center, the next day I find the golf balls scattered about, signs torn down and rocks thrown all over the place.

Those who have no respect for other peoples’ property will have no respect for their own. No matter how hard they work, they will end up with nothing of value and may even end up in prison.

Yesterday there was a fishing tournament at the center and I found the grounds as I mentioned above. The bucket for golf balls was broken and rocks were everywhere. As a result I am taking the remaining balls home. If anyone needs some to hit call, me and I will furnish you some.

G.B. Robertson


I want to send an extra thank you out to the 176 volunteers that worked the Spring Adopt-a-Beach at Magnolia Beach and to INEOS Nitriles for sponsoring the lunch.

I would also like to make everyone aware that the Texas Sea Grant College Program is developing our 2012 Strategic Plan, which will guide our research, outreach and education activities over the next four years. We have created a short survey to help us prioritize our efforts, and would be interested in your input.

If you would like to fill out the survey, please go to:


Rhonda D. Cummins
Texas Sea Grant
Coastal & Marine Resources

Mother’s Day

As Mother’s Day approaches, I reflect back on things I learned from my mother and father. I have to include him, for they were a team.
Mother said that we should love our children no matter what they have done. By setting a good example to go by, they more than likely turn out to be good citizens. Both parents stressed to show respect to everyone no matter how rich or poor or the color of their skin. A “yes sir” or “no ma’m” will go a long way when conversing with someone.

I remember when I was a young buck working at the Port of Houston and an old longshoreman asked me a question and I replied, “ Pardon me, sir” and he said, “You don’t say sir to me.” I said, “Oh yes I do. My parents taught me that way and I will respect you as long as you respect me.” I found that helped me gain respect with them in doing my job.

Mother passed away at the age of 62 and Dad went the next year at 65. Here am I at 78 and still try to comply with the things they taught. Happy Mother’s Day, Mom.

G.B. Robertson

The Dolphin welcomes letters from our readers on any subject that is of general interest to our audience. Letters should be 300 words or less (with exceptions at the Dolphin’s discretion). Letters reflect the opinion of the writer, and not that of Dolphin Talk staff, and we retain the right to determine suitability for publication. It is the policy of this newspaper to promote area interests: therefore, complaints against local businesses should be directed elsewhere. Letters must be signed and include day and evening phone numbers, which will not be published. Your name will be withheld upon request, but anonymous material will not be considered for publication.

Letters to the Dolphin:

Dolphin Talk, P.O. Box 777
Port O’Connor, TX 77982


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