Our Lady of Guadalupe, Tivoli will hold their Spring Festival Sunday, May 20th. Brisket with all the trimmings will be served starting at 11:00 a.m. for $7.50 p/p. There will be a country store, baked items and a lot of fun and fellowship! Live auction will begin at 12:30 p.m. with bingo and raffle drawings […]
Home > May, 2012
Our Lady of Guadalupe Festival
Attention, Graduates!
If you are graduating this year, we would like to include you in our June 8th issue. Please send a photo and your information (name, school, parents’ names, town) to: dolphin1@tisd.net or P.O. Box 777, Port O’Connor, TX 77982. Deadline is June 2, 2012. This offer is open to anyone in our readership graduating from […]
Port O’Connor Chamber Chat by La June Pitonyak
It’s looking like May is going to be a busy month in Port O’Connor, beginning with “Warriors Weekend”. This event is so wonderful and heart warming, we hope you take time to visit these heros. I promise you will enjoy your visit and never forget them. Then Memorial Day Weekend – Make sure you go […]
Dow Sustainability Education Center Grand Opening
Saturday, May 5 th , the Dow Sustainability Education Center held its Grand Opening. Students from Travis Middle School’s G3 (Going Green Group) attended the opening and were able to see first hand the difference their group makes! Dow has partnered with CCISD’s Partners In Education (PIE) and several other companies to create an educational […]
County 4-H Livestock Judging Team Competes at A&M
The Calhoun County 4-H Livestock Judging Team competed at the Multi-District 4-H Livestock Judging contests held at Texas A&M University. For those unfamiliar with Livestock Judging, students evaluate a class of four animals which may be cattle, swine, sheep or goats and rank them 1 through 4 based upon their value as a market or […]