NOS Special Projects has developed, in collaboration with the National Geodetic Survey and NOAAs Coastal Services Center, a new tool to view NOAAs collection of historical shoreline surveys. The NOAA Historical Shoreline Survey Viewer provides access to a large number of historical shoreline surveys conducted by NOAA and its predecessor organizations. About 7,800 surveys, the earliest dating back to 1841, are available for viewing in Google Earth. In addition to overlaying a scanned image of the survey in Google Earth, the viewer provides links to download the original scan and metadata, the resulting extracted vector shoreline, and a descriptive report compiled by the survey team. When compared to imagery available through Google Earth, the surveys provide invaluable historical information about how the shoreline has evolved through both natural and man-made changes over the last 170 years. More at
View Historical Shorelines
Archived in the category: Fishing Reports, General Info
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 07 Jun 12 - Comments Off on View Historical Shorelines