Another Shrimpfest has come and gone! Plans went off without a hitch even though the weather threatened to put a damper on the event. Two days packed with beauty pageants, tournaments, pony rides, contests and best of all – music and great food! This year there were over fifty vendors with arts, crafts and a variety of delicious dishes. Vendors brought everything from shrimp po-boys to snow cones!
For me, Shrimpfest starts off my summer. I look forward to watching the bay front come alive with all of the fun festivities which Chamber members plan for months. A captivating addition to this year’s line up was the Brazos Bottom Cowographers. They drew quite a crowd, bringing the spirit of the Old West to the coast. The music line up was fantastic and drew in quite a crowd. Till next year, look for more updates and photos online at
– Jasmine Gordon

Uh-oh, looks like there’s trouble. You missed an awesome show by the Brazos Bottom Cowographers! They drew quite a crowd.
Shrimpfest Contest Winners:
1st – Ben Plummer & Ronnie Gooden
2nd – Diana Plummer & Branden Plummer
3rd – Amanda Plummer & Evan Mutchler
1st – Walter & Kyle Loose
2nd – Laurie Luna & Cheryl Henning
3rd – Katy & Faith Fojt
Age 2-5 – Biggest Fish – Zachary Charles (5) – 15 l/2” Flounder
Smallest Fish – Haley Clemons (5) – 13 ½” Redfish
Age 6-9 – Biggest Fish – Skyler Rodriguez (8) – 8 ¾” Redfish
Smallest Fish – Nicholas Chancellor (8) – 7” Perch
Age l0-12 – Biggest Fish – Jacob Arevelo (12) – 13 ¼” Redfish
Smallest Fish – None
Winner of Hard Luck Fisherman – Ethan Wooldridge (12)
1ST – “Mixed Equations” – Cindy Nguyen, Steven Nguyen, Sarah Dommell, Kelsie Farmer, Joseph Trinh, Jerry Smalley, Karley Rasmussen
2nd – “Go Big or Go Home” – Christine Villareal, Amanda Luna, Johnny Gonzales, Juan Luna Jr. Ashley Gonzales
3rd – “Beach Babes” – Dymin Ureste, Kassidy Colianni, Lexi Kurtz, Ciana Tankserial, Annie Hernandez, Megan Hilshire
“Bodaous Brittany” – Colton Williams
Shrimpfest Pageant
Pretty Baby Girl Pretty Baby Boy
Winner: Avin Rasmussen
1st runner up: Gavin Gonzalez
2nd runner up: Bryce Sandy
Photogenic: Gavin Gonzalez
Beach Baby
Winner: Laney Leos
1st runner up: Lola Leos
2nd runner up: Karley Sexton
Photogenic: Laney Leos
Beach Boy
Winner: Deegan Resendez
1st runner up: Thomas Skalak
2nd runner up: Noah Padron
Photogenic: Noah
Little Miss
Winner: Sydney Rasmussen
1st runner up: Jada Dean
2nd runner up: Mirakle Gutierrez
Photogenic: Sydney Rasmussen
Miss Pre-Teen
Winner: Alyssa Reyna
1st runner up: Meghan Sparks
2nd runner up: Briley Maldonado
Photogenic: Briley Maldonado
Jr Miss Shrimpfest
Winner: Ahniwake James
1st runner up: Haley Harper
2nd runner up: Ashley Cunningham
Photogenic-: Ashley Cunningham
Miss Shrimpfest
Winner: Kelsyi Meza
1st runner up: Hailey Penney
2nd runner up: Christian Harper
Photogenic: No entries
Kids had a blast at the Fun Station!