Historical Cemeteries Dedicated by Thomas Spychalski

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Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 21 Jun 12 - Comments Off on Historical Cemeteries Dedicated by Thomas Spychalski

A dual ceremony was in order on the 9th of June in Indianola as the Indianola, Old Town and Zimmerman cemeteries placed a plaque celebrating the efforts of restoration of the historical burial places as well The Daughters of the Republic of Texas, who helped fund the important restoration work.

On hand were names such as Sue Quinn, the Texana Chaplin of the Daughters, as well as Phillip Ellenberger and Mary Belle Meitzen, chair and Vice Chair of the Calhoun County Historical Commission respectively. Calhoun County Judge Michael G. Pfeifer was also at the event to present the plaques.

Presentation of the colors as well as the introduction of the Pledge of Allegiance was handled by VFW Post 4403.

Mary Belle Meitzen, dressed in period costume for the occasion, is mindful of what the restored cemeteries stand for beyond the obvious historical significance:

“The cemeteries represent the trials and everything that the people looked forward to when they came to the new land and yet their lives were shortened by the seas, the Civil War…but I think of everything they endured, it gives me the strength to look forward to the future.”

Meanwhile Phillip Ellenberger sees the dedication as a step forward if any further restoration is to be done in the future:
“We hope that [the dedication] raises awareness of the cemetery and that people will watch it a little closer in terms of taking care of it. Hopefully bringing new attention to it when it needs repair.”

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