Port O’Conor Fishing Report by Capt. Bob Hill

Archived in the category: Fishing Reports
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 21 Jun 12 - Comments Off on Port O’Conor Fishing Report by Capt. Bob Hill

Well, its official, Summer is here. The boat ramps are full, the parking lots are overflowing, live bait is hard to find and of course there is plenty of boat traffic in the bays. The fishing is holding up pretty well under the extra pressure. Of course its getting pretty warm and the wind is still puffing most of the time.

Trout fishing has been pretty good in the bays. Waders are catching trout along the South shorelines. Croakers are producing over grass and sand. Artificials are producing as well, both soft plastics and topwaters. The best of it has come over shell for both waders and driftfishermen. San Antonio Bay shell has been good when the wind doesn’t blow from the North or the West.

The Lakes are getting better; it’s still mainly about reds but the trout numbers are getting better. Live shrimp or soft plastics have been the top choice for drifting the lakes.

The surf is holding lots of big trout but the wind hasn’t cooperated lately. Once we get some “flat” days I’m sure that the surf action will come on strong. Just remember, if you think it may be to rough to fish the surf, it is!

The jetties are holding fish but it as been a bit rough out there. Last week we had days where the waves at the end were 5 feet or more. When the wind is from the Southeast there isn’t really any place to hide. There are lots of black drum, reds and even a few snapper and trout. I haven’t seen anyone catching kings yet but I did see one jump out of the water this week. The sharks are here for the Summer as well. I have also started seeing quite a few tarpon.

Capt. Bob Hill
Port O’Connor Charters
(281) 984-0015


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