What’s Happening At First Baptist Church? by Doyle Adams

Archived in the category: General Info, Organizations
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 21 Jun 12 - Comments Off on What’s Happening At First Baptist Church? by Doyle Adams

Children perform at VBS Graduation.

This year’s Vacation Bible School is now history. We had the Biggest and Best VBS this year. We had an average attendance each day of 109. This included 76 children and 33 volunteer workers. Candice Stryker was a great VBS Director and directed and coordinated all events. This past Thursday evening was Graduation and Parents Night. The auditorium was filled with children, parents, and grandparents. The program included the Pledge of Allegiance to the Unites States Flag, the Christian Flag and the Bible. The children in the Pre-K grade, 1st and 2nd grade, 3rd and 4th grade and 5th and 6th grade presented a concert which included the four songs they learned in the music class of VBS.

Graduation Certificates were awarded to each child by their Bible teacher. A contest was held during VBS: Each day the children deposited coins in either the Boys’ Bucket or the Girls’ Bucket. The Boys ended up Winner with $296.58 and the Girls received $237.38. The total of $533.96 will be donated to the South Texas Children’s Home in Beeville, Texas.

This past Sunday the Church observed the Ordinance of the “Lord’s Supper” and Brother Donnie Martin delivered a superb message on the importance of Father’s Day and the responsibility of all fathers. In the absence of Brother Raymond Grant, I enjoyed the opportunity of leading the congregational singing. Brother Raymond was enjoying a family reunion over Father’s Day.

This past Monday, 15 of our Port O’Connor children in school grades 3 through 6 departed Port O’Connor for a four-day summer camp at Palacious Baptist Encampment. The Church Youth will be going to Camp Zephyr this coming Monday, June 25, and they will return on Friday, June 29.

The Church is continuing the Special Prayer Meetings for our September 16-19 Revival. The men meet each Tuesday morning at 7:30 a.m. for coffee and prayer and the ladies meet at 6:00 p.m. for prayer. Everyone is asked to keep the coming Revival in their daily prayers. Brother Shannon Talley, Pastor of First Baptist Church in McAllen, Texas, will be preaching daily.

See you in church Sunday!


VBS 1st-2nd grade

VBS 3rd-4th grade

VBS 5th-6th grade

Joey Helms and Maddie Hawes during VBS craft classes.

VBS photos by Andria Munsch

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