4th of July Weekend at the Beach

Archived in the category: General Info
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 12 Jul 12 - 0 Comments

King Fisher Beach began filling up early in the day.

The volleyball court was busy throughout the day.

Waiting in line for a treat.

The Fireworks Crew Chairman Donny Haynes, third from right

Kimberly Bennett (left) and Nicole Bordeman (right) raised over $600 in just a couple hours from cars entering the park area.

The Fireworks Campaign is on-going. Donation cans are at Port O’Connor restaurants and Speedy Stop, or you can mail a check to:

POC Chamber Fireworks; Port O’Connor Chamber of Commerce; P.O. Box 701; Port O’Connor, TX 77982.

Your help in keeping POC’s Fireworks Show an outstanding annual event is greatly appreciated.

Port O’Connor put on another spectacular Fireworks Show on July 7th.

– Photos by Bill Tigrett

Thanks to all who made Port O’Connor’s annual Fireworks Show a success!

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