Graduates of Fisherman’s Chapel Bible Institute Front row (L-R): Alyssa Garcia; David Williams; Evelyn Williams; Pat Prather Back row (L-R): Julian Garcia; Instructor Joane McDonough; Darin Luna; Patricia Mayhall; Joe Wiatt
Holidays are always special for the Chapel and for us personally. This time, we were blessed to have Crystal, our oldest daughter, her husband Jake, and their four children with us for a few days. They come all they way from Pennsylvania, so they do not get to stay very long, but it is always a special treat to have them home. Crystal and the kids sang – it was great!
We had as our guest the Reverend and Mrs. Larry Lanphier here for a week-end of ministry. This was not the first time the Lanphier’s have come to POC, and their ministry was well received, as usual. We are sure the Lanphier’s will be coming again!
Pescado Grande, the benefit fishing tournament for the Harbor, took place during the holidays. I spite of the fireworks conflict, it appeared that the Harbor will be financially blessed by this event. Hope all the fishermen will plan to be a part of it next year!
The fireworks were spectacular, as usual! We surely got a lot of “bang for our bucks”! Those responsible for putting it on are commended for a job well done! Again, we hosted folks on our porch and cooked hamburgers and hot dogs for far more than showed up. It was fun. One thing that made it so special is that Papaw’s son, Danny, brought his family over from Houston to enjoy the holiday events.
Then, to complete the holiday activities, we had our annual graduation ceremony for Fisherman’s Bible Institute. It was complete with a serving table full of “fiesta foods”. I honestly felt after that meal, I would not need another one for several days, but I must admit that I have eaten again since this past Sunday’s activities.
But, there are more activities to come! Evangelist Rod Vincent will be spending time in Port O’Connor as he ministers for the Community Churches Tent Revival in Port Lavaca. The events will begin on Sunday, June 15, and continue each evening through Friday night. Everyone is invited to attend.
Poco Bueno is always a huge event for the Chapel and we are gearing up for it once again. We will be gleaning the steam tables after each evening’s meals and will be accepting the fish that will be donated to the needy agencies and families. It is always a lot of hard work, but well worth the extra effort that we put in it.
Only one week later, we will be helping with the Houston Shoot-Out Tournament. We are a part of this event in memory of Mr. Joe Bright, who sold us our property which we use for the Chapel. It is always a special time and we enjoy helping.
Does this make up a busy month of July! Well, we have to have a special event the last of the month to make it complete. We will be hosting the beloved Reverend Joe Granberry. his wife, Carolyn, and two of their grandchildren will be accompanying them for special services on July 29. The Reverend and Mrs. Granberry have retired from the office of Superintendent of the over 300 churches that make up the South Texas District. They are special friends of the Chapel and we hope you will make plans to be a part of these special events.
Yes, we are busy, but trying to accomplish things that will make a difference for the people of Port O’Connor. Yes, we get very tired, but we know that what we are doing also makes a difference for God’s Kingdom and that is our main goal! Fisherman’s Chapel is an interdenominational congregation who seeks to touch the life of everyone in this community in some special way. Give us a chance to be a blessing to your life! You will always find a warm welcome at the Chapel and are urged to, “Come, grow with us!”