Donny Haynes, Jennifer Hernandez, and Sheryl Haynes (pictured above) went fishing with “Wild” Bill Caldwell (Wild Bill Safari). He put them on black drum just outside the big jetties.

Clay Singh caught this 24-inch redfish Sunday, July 1st at the Jetties in Port O’Connor using cut mullet. Clay moved here four months ago and this is his first big red catch.

Pictured are Cole Garrison, 9 years old, and his father, Gary Garrison of Huntsville, Texas. Cole and his father were fishing along with Cole’s grandfather, Gary Garrison of Port O’Connor, on June 26 with guide Keith Gregory. Cole landed this 27-inch trout along with the trout caught by his father while fishing outside the jetties. The three Garrisons limited out within a short amount of time and were back at the dock by 10 in the morning.