Letters to the Dolphin

Archived in the category: General Info, Letters to the Dolphin
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 12 Jul 12 - 0 Comments

Flying the Flag:

I love flying the United States flag and enjoy riding around town seeing all the flags on summer weekends. When we fly our nations’ flag, we assume a responsibility to present it in accordance with the US Flag Code. Reading the Code reminds us that lawyers predominate in our legislative bodies but there are only a couple of rules you need to know.

When you fly the US flag and the Texas flag on different staffs, the US flag should always be flown to the left of the Texas flag (and of any other flag) as seen by the viewers. The Code refers to it as the flags’ right and the easiest way to think of it, is as if you were presenting the flag to the public. The flag would be flown on your right (the flags’ right) as the presenter and viewed by public as being on the left. Just ask yourself where it will be seen from and put it on that viewers’ left.

Flying the US flag on the viewers’ left holds true when presenting other flags with the US flag and after the US flag the other flags should be placed in a specific order based upon the Code. Logic will give you the order in most cases but you can always visit the library or go on line if you’ve got an oddball. Here’s one most people would miss. US military service flags are flown in the following order: Army, Marine Corps, Navy, Air Force, and then Coast Guard. They are flown in order of seniority and the Marine Corps predated the Navy.

A sneaky one is that when flying the flag flat (off a balcony for example), the field of stars should always be to the upper left of the viewer.

The US Flag Code covers the rules for properly presenting our nations’ flag but the two above cover what most of us need to know. No, there are no penalties for flying the flag wrong (the Supreme Court ruled that it would be a violation of our right to free speech – remember the flag burning days in the 60’s?); it’s just a matter of personal pride and respect for Old Glory.

Name withheld to protect the author who doesn’t want to be known as a know-it-all.

My Two Cents Worth by G.B.:

Houston Northwest Medical Center:

Laying here in bed with nothing to do but watch the Tube I saw all the hoopalaw about Obama care. So much doom and gloom trying to scare people. At the same time the stock market Zoomed????

Down in south central Texas they’re getting rich drilling for gas and oil. Fuel dealers are selling fuel to the rigs and those who have gravel on their ranches are selling all of that they can for roads into the rigs.

Automobile dealers are selling those big Ford diesel trucks to the new rig hands. The highways around Yoakum, Gonzalez, Edna and other towns in the area are being torn up by big trucks taking the products to supply terminals. But that’s Okay because Congress just passed a huge highway and transportation Bill.

Obama will be blamed for the debit.

Of course our state will turn down the money because we don’t want the Federal Government telling us what to do with it. Right.

Write to your State Rep Todd Hunter and tell him to tell Gov. Perry to keep his hands off The Texas Teachers Pension fund.

I was hoping to make it back to POC, but have to stay here in Houston have some more Xrays done and see the doctors afterwards.

G. B.

Another saying from my old buddy Andy. He said you can’t catch someone else’s fish. Meaning You got to get out and find them yourself.

29 June 2012
Gov. Mitt Romney
P.O. Box 149756
Boston, Massachusetts 02114-9756

Dear Gov. Romney,

You are now the STANDARD BEARER for those of us who hope to remain relatively free and to reverse the descent of our country into “Ameritopia” and thus subsequently into a totalitarian state. I will *support you.

To BELIEVE IN AMERICA is good and nice, but it is far too passive for the circumstances of today.


We must RESTORE AMERICA to the Roots of Her Founding!

It is TIME TO ACT, not just to believe!
I argue that the true American Dream is FREEDOM and opportunity. The seemingly lost concept of INDIVIDUAL RESPONSIBILITY must be restored to our culture from the Beltway to the Boondocks.

Do not neglect to emphasize that “Obamacare” not only destroys personal rights and liberties; this legislation is the “insatiable gorilla” that will quickly devour massive amounts of THE ECONOMY and ultimately destroy medical care as we have known it.


John M. Long, M.D.
Drawer M Tivoli, TX 77990

*Pledge to P.O. Box 96861 in D.C.

c.c. Sen. Jim De Mint
c.c. Sen. John Cornyn
c.c. R. Reince Priebus, R.N.C.
c.c. “ Dolphin Talk” – Pt. O’Connor, TX

Recovered From Shark Attack:

A year ago today my family and friends were having a great day on Sunday Beach when my son, Nicholas, was bit by a bull shark in the surf. Capt. David White offered to take us in on his boat and Jim Vuichard took the phone and talked to 911 instructing my husband on what to do. Capt. White got us to The Fishing Center in 8 MINUTES!! After EMS wrapped his foot and started his IV we said goodbye to Nicholas as they put him on a helicopter to Houston. After 2 weeks in the hospital and 7 surgeries Nicholas has made a full recovery. I want to say THANK YOU to all the people who helped us that day. I wish I could personally HUG everyone. Our family and same friends are here to celebrate the fourth just like every year. It’s going to be a GREAT July 7th this year, ending with the best fireworks show in Texas!!

Alisha King Vossler

Thank You!

The Port O’ Connor Volunteer Fire Department would like to thank everyone that came out and supported us. Without your donations and support it would be hard to operate. Thanks to all the members and non- members that were there to help; to all the out of towners that helped also. This is truly a community that comes together in a time of need!

Thank you

Port O’ Connor Volunteer Fire Department

Dear Mom, Dad, Braeden, Tarah, Kayla, Rylie, Aubrey & Nickolas Ragusin. Also, Pop, Nick, Lea Ann & Brittania Ragusin,

I love everyone from the top of my heart. I am very thankful to have a loving and caring family.

Today is our 6th year anniversary for Jeannette and me. God took our hands and guided both of us to be with Him in Heaven so we could become His angels.

We love and miss our family. We are together forever in a better place.

I want to thank the people who have put on a fishing tournament called The P.O.C. Grand Slam in loving memory of me. Jeanette and my spirit will live forever.

From Christopher Marcus Ragusin (C.M.R.)

That’s how we roll. Keep the faith. I will see you again. God bless. ♥

The Dolphin welcomes letters from our readers on any subject that is of general interest to our audience. Letters should be 300 words or less (with exceptions at the Dolphin’s discretion). Letters reflect the opinion of the writer, and not that of Dolphin Talk staff, and we retain the right to determine suitability for publication. It is the policy of this newspaper to promote area interests: therefore, complaints against local businesses should be directed elsewhere. Letters must be signed and include day and evening phone numbers, which will not be published. Your name will be withheld upon request, but anonymous material will not be considered for publication.

Letters to the Dolphin:
Dolphin Talk, P.O. Box 777,
Port O’Connor, TX 77982


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