Port O’Connor Chamber Chat by La June Pitonyak

Archived in the category: General Info, Organizations
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 12 Jul 12 - 0 Comments

Oh!!!!! What a spectacular 2012 Fireworks Display! Port O’Connor wants to “Thank” everyone that made this event possible. It’s just fantastic seeing all the people that travel to our community to enjoy spending time with family and friends. Without you there would be no reason for the event. So start making your plans for July 6th, 2013 and we will meet again in POC.

It’s just amazing; seems like just last week that we were waiting for school to be out and summer to begin. Now here we are with summer half gone. And what a summer it has been. Can’t remember when I’ve seen so much going on in POC. It’s certainly no “Secret” now and this is good for all the businesses and economy.

Anyone who would like to put their business cards or information at the Port O’Connor Chamber of Commerce and Visitors Center located at 39 Denman Drive, in the back room of the POC MUD Office, please do so. We have maps, business cards, info and brochures for anyone to pick up. If you need more info, call 361-983-2898 or email poccc@tisd.net.

If you are not a member and would like to join us you can access website– portoconnorchamber.org –fill out the membership application and make your payment with Paypal. The more people we have involved with our Chamber, the more we will be able to accomplish in the community. Everyone’s ideas are important.

Next meeting will be August 13th at 6:30 p.m. in the back room of the POC Community Center. Looking forward to seeing you.

New Memberships
Central Drug
(Steve Branch Cherise Bludau-Branch)
Tom Gleinser
Steve & Amy Osina
Josie’s Mini Mart

For What’s Happening in
Port O’Connor, go to:



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