Port O’Connor Service Club News by Sue Kubecka

Archived in the category: General Info, Organizations
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 12 Jul 12 - Comments Off on Port O’Connor Service Club News by Sue Kubecka

As not only the Summer doldrums have hit, but it was also the day following our Independence Day, when the July 5th meeting of the Service Club was held.  Many members were either out of town or had visitors to their home, and so the meeting under the chairmanship of Peggy Elliott, Treasurer, was extremely short.  In fact, the meeting was called to order, reports were quickly given, and the meeting was then adjourned.

A reminder that the August meeting is set for Thursday, August 2nd.  This will be the last of the Summer schedule; our normal calendar of two meetings a month will resume on September 6th with the election of officers and payment of our annual dues.

Once again, we are pleased to welcome all community-interested women to our meetings.  They are held on the 1st & 3rd Thursdays of each month (beginning in September) at 10:00 a.m. in the Meeting Room of the Community Center.  Please call our President, Janet Johnson at 983-4733 for further information.

 kubeckasue@yahoo.com  361 798-0560

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