Fishing Tournaments

Archived in the category: Fishing Reports
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 27 Jul 12 - 0 Comments

May 26-Labor Day    CCA Texas STAR Tournament

July 24-29    Lone Star Shootout – Caracol

July 28    Nails and Tails Tournament
Builders Association of Victoria

August 3-4    Readin’, Ritin’ & Reelin’ Tournament
(361) 894-4136,   655-2658,   649-0459

August 4    Possum Invitational Invitational

August 11    Speedy Stop Kids Fishing Tournament

Oct. 5-6    P.O.C. Grand Slam



Readin’ – ‘Ritin’ – Reelin’ 10th Annual 3 R’s Fishing Tournament

Port O’Connor Community Center will host the 10th annual Readin’- ‘Ritin’ -Reelin’ Tournament on Friday and Saturday, August 3 and 4. Entry fee is $60 per person (limit 6 persons per boat) with children under age 16 fishing free. Trophies will be awarded for the largest trout and largest red caught by a kid, lady, and a Knight. Registration and fishing pots entry is at 5:30 p.m. Friday, with a barbecue dinner, door prizes and live auction following at 6:30.

Weigh in will be from 3:30 to 5:00 on Saturday. At 7:00 p.m. a fish fry will be held at the Community Center, followed by awards presentation and raffle drawing.

For more information, please contact Richard Weischwill at 361-564-8236; Bryan Ellis at 361-894-4136; Dennis Lockstedt at 361-649-0459; or Scott Smejkal at 361-655-2658.

The Knights of Columbus Council #9088 of Holy Family Catholic Church is sponsoring the tournament which benefits Nazareth Academy Catholic School in Victoria. Last year the K of Cs donated in excess of $50,000 to the school because of the generosity of all supporting this event. Please join them by entering a team, becoming a tournament sponsor, donating an auction, raffle or door prize item, or simply coming to eat one or both nights.













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