POC Lions Club Elects New Officers/Plans Fundraiser

Archived in the category: General Info, Organizations
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 27 Jul 12 - Comments Off on POC Lions Club Elects New Officers/Plans Fundraiser

The Port O’Connor Lions Club recently elected new officers and is looking forward to this upcoming year of service to the community.  Lions Club International recognizes new officers as of July 1st.  Joyce Jordan was elected President following Past President, Leah Griffin, who had held the office of President since the club was formed.  Joyce Jordan was previously Vice President for the same term.

Debbie Michalek was elected Vice President with Linda Butler graciously accepting the office of Treasurer.  Linda Butler has served as our Treasurer after Carol Haverfield held that office for a period following the Club’s inception.  Leah Griffin accepted the office of Secretary from outgoing Secretary, Janet Johnson who has held that position since inception.

Ann Pesek accepted the position of Tail Twister and has the duty of assessing small fines (usually a dime or quarter, etc.) to club members if we forget to wear our Lions Club pins to meetings, etc. and in order to keep the meetings lively.  Dell Weathersby and then Jim Butler held that position previously.

Our Directors are Kenneth Clark and Pat Turk who graciously agreed to serve since inception. Carol Haverfield is our Membership Chairman following our previous Membership Chairman, Lydia Strakos.
Jim Butler, Fundraising Chairman, has been doing a great job with fundraising and is continuing to do so.  He organized several Ice Cream Socials including bingo and a spaghetti dinner fundraiser.  The next Ice Cream Social including bingo will be held on Friday, August 17th at 6:30 p.m. in the Cafeteria of the Port O’Connor Elementary School, so mark your calendar.  This past May, we were able to present our first $500. Scholarship to a very deserving Calhoun High School Senior, Katie Redding during Scholarship Day by Carol Haverfield.

Currently, the club is helping in a small part with swim lessons through the generous donation of use of Kenneth and Grady Jean Clark’s facilities.  Instructor, Carla Kurtz is holding classes as she did last year which will run from July 23rd to August 3rd with the fees collected going to the instructor for her excellent service.  She is traveling from Port Lavaca to Port O’Connor every day.
Thanks to the Clark’s offering the use of their pool, many children will learn to swim or perfect their skills in the water.  I understand that all classes except the very youngest signed up in advance were full and the children were excited to begin classes with some being repeat students to learn more.  To Kenneth and Grady Jean – We as a community really appreciate all you have done over the years for the children of Port O’Connor and others.

Look for our other upcoming projects in a separate article.  For anyone interested in information on the Port O‘Connor Lions Club, please contact Joyce Jordan at cell # 361-655-7999.
        -Joyce Jordan

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