Remember to wish these friends and neighbors a Happy Birthday!

Archived in the category: Announcements, General Info
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 09 Aug 12 - Comments Off on Remember to wish these friends and neighbors a Happy Birthday!

August 10: Robert Lopez; Nick Cockrell; Kiara Akoon; Lauren Weatherly; Charlotte Romine; Brandon Sparks

August 12: James Overton; Sophie Perry; Martin Martinez; Mario Rodriguez

August 13: Marty Lewis; Chaz O’Shields; Autumn Smith

August 14: Sharon Preslar

August 15: Johnathon Pitonyak; Audie Vasquez

August 16: Sue Kubecka

August 18: Mikaela Overton

August 19: Amie Reed; Robbie Hawes

August 20: Bobbye Martin; George Cady; Melanie Vossler; Natalie Harper; Derek Vasquez Jr.

August 21: Jackie Luker; Brandie Baird; Brittney Collins

August 22: Ted Brown; Ryan Hamerly

August 23: Tim Sandoval

August 24: Aireal Pressley; Lloyd Aflord

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