The Way I See It… Guest Column by William D. Brayshaw

Archived in the category: Featured Writers, General Info
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 09 Aug 12 - 2 Comments

“The Way I See It” is an attempt by the guest columnist to enlighten readers on a subject, as he views it, and does not necessarily reflect the views of this publication. Comments on this article may be addressed  to:
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Media and Terrorism

Major Nidal Hasan killed 13 fellow soldiers and wounded 32 at Ft. Hood on November 5, 2009.  Hasan is a Muslim and a self described “Soldier of Allah” who corresponded with violent Islamofascist Jihadists and tried to contact Al Qaeda. The Obama administration labeled his criminal attack as “workplace violence” and the Mainstream Media continues to parrot that line, despite Hasan’s trial for 13 counts of premeditated murder and 32 counts of premeditated attempted murder. They are in total denial of this as an act of Islamic Jihad by someone known to have strong fundamentalist Islamic views and contacts with known international terrorists. Major Hasan’s trial has been largely ignored by the Media.

Six Sikhs were killed and three others wounded in an attack on their Temple Sunday. A police officer was severely wounded but managed to kill the gunman, Wade Michael Page, 40. He is widely reported to be a Neo-Nazi, Skin-head rock musician, and White-supremist who was an Army ‘veteran’. He was booted out of the Army in 1998 for being “drunk on duty”. The Media has taken these ‘factoids’ and came to the conclusion that Page is a “Conservative”. And therefore designated this criminal attack as Domestic Terrorism.

I wish to point out the fallacy of the conclusion that Mr. Page is in any way a Conservative.. The Nazis were National Socialists. They believed in the Marxist theories of Big Government and Central Planning and Control just like the Communists, only they wanted superiority for their country rather than ‘world domination’ for International Communism. The Liberal/Progressive Media was against the US joining or aiding the Allies against Hitler because there was a treaty between Germany and the Soviet Union to partition Poland. Only after Hitler attacked their beloved Uncle Joe Stalin did the Media rise up in its demands for the defeat of the Nazis. Before then National Socialism was seen as the ‘brother’, or at least first-cousin, of Communism. It is, because they are both totalitarian forms of Socialism. After WWII the Media has tried to convince the public that Nation Socialism is somehow far right-wing, while International Socialism (Communism) is far left wing. This is illogical, but allows them to place “Democratic Socialism” as ‘centrist’ and therefor a ‘balance’ between the two ‘extremes’. This is a false premise – all forms of socialism are on the left and individual freedom and liberty are on the right. A Constitution exists to guarantee the God given rights of all citizens, and limit the evil excesses of oppressive government and professional politicians. Conservatives believe in a strict interpretation of the Constitution, while “Liberals” want a ‘Liberal interpretation’ that allows more and more Federal control and interference in our lives. The Mainstream Media is totally committed to the Liberal/Progressive agenda and has abandoned their role and responsibility of reporting the truth.

The Media immediately identified Jared Loughner, the Arizona shooter of Gabby Giffords and others, as a Palin Conservative and Tea Party follower. Totally false; he was a quasi-liberal whacko. James Holmes, the shooter in the Colorado movie massacre, was also identified as a Right-wing Conservative. Again totally false; he was a Doctorial student in Neuroscience, perhaps educated beyond his intelligence, he was unable to find employment and returned to college to get his PhD. He was also said to be an active Occupy Protestor with the Black Bloc movement in the OWS which is an ‘elite’ force involved in violence in that group. He had mental problems and strongly identified with the Joker in the Batman movies. Another whacko product of our ultra-liberal education system.

As for Mr. Page, Conservatives stand against any of the Nazi or Neo-Nazi foolishness. Constitutional Conservatives stood for racial equality before the law, long before FDR and a few Progressives saw a political opportunity there. Since Conservatives still believe in equality before the law and not equal-outcomes, we are now labeled “Racist” and “White-supremacist” because we believe in equal opportunity for all and get wasteful government intervention out of the way. Mr. Page may actually agree with some conservative points, but that does not make him a Conservative. Conservatives believe in Rule-of-Law, Individual Freedom, and Liberty for All; none would condone attacking a peaceful church or Temple of any race. Mr. Wade appears to be a another disgruntled failure that identifies with hate and despondent music. Another whacko.

The Media is simply trying to gin up support for the failing Liberal/Progressives and somehow blame Conservatives for a heinous crime. It is an old and tired trick of the radical far-Left popularized by Alinski, used when they don’t have any truthful or logical arguments to support their cause. Hopefully voters are starting to see through the continuous bombardment of lies and denial of real information and can see the Mainstream Media as the Agit-Propaganda arm of the Progressive Socialist agenda. They refuse to label the actions of Islamists or the criminally insane as terrorism unless the ‘do-er’ can be called a Conservative.


2 comments for “The Way I See It… Guest Column by William D. Brayshaw”

William D Brayshaw

Magor Nidal Hasan’s trial seems to be delayed indefinitely because he refuse to shave his beard as a “Religious Freedom”. This is a delaying tactic, nothing else.

There is no doubt that he shot those people, and he remained beardless until this summer. This is nothing more than ploy to stop his conviction and punishment. If we wanted out of the Army he could have resigned his commission and and his ‘Chain of Command’ would have been pleased to let him go.

This is Islamofascist political theater being played out on a Military Court.

How low have we sunk, to tolerate this nonsense.

August 18th, 2012 at 8:11 pm
William D Brayshaw

Major Nidal Hasan’s trial seems to be delayed indefinitely because he refuse to shave his beard as a “Religious Freedom”. This is a delaying tactic, nothing else.

There is no doubt that he shot those people, and he remained beardless until this summer. This is nothing more than ploy to stop his conviction and punishment. If he wanted out of the Army he could have resigned his commission and and his ‘Chain of Command’ would have been pleased to let him go.

This is Islamofascist political theater being played out on a Military Court.

How low have we sunk, to tolerate this nonsense?

August 19th, 2012 at 4:19 pm
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