Energy Summit in Corpus Christi

Archived in the category: Events, General Info
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 23 Aug 12 - Comments Off on Energy Summit in Corpus Christi

On Thursday, September 6, state leaders and private sector experts will join the Texas Conservative Coalition Research Institute (TCCRI) at an Energy Summit in Corpus Christi, Texas to discuss critical and timely issues that impact Texas’ energy sector and energy consumers, including businesses and individuals.

State Rep. Todd Hunter (R-Corpus Christi), who will co-host the Energy Summit along with TCCRI, stated: “Corpus Christi’s economy and future prosperity depend on a vibrant energy sector that continues to thrive and grow. It is imperative for our city and our state that energy and environmental challenges are resolved thoughtfully so our private sector energy economy continues to create jobs, keep industry growing, and the state, especially our schools, benefit from the economic impact.”

Two recent developments serve to highlight the importance the Corpus Christi Energy Summit:

•  On Monday, August 13 the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals rebuked the EPA by ruling that Texas may maintain a “Flexible Permits” program for refineries and facilities.

•  The continuing effort by Occidental Petroleum Corp. to purchase former Naval Station Ingleside, the development of which could support as many as 200 direct and indirect jobs, according to the company.

Major items for discussion include: the positive impact of developing domestic natural resources, particularly in the Eagle Ford Shale and Coastal Bend area; policies that will enable Texas to remain a leading energy state; and federal regulations that drive up energy costs and dampen economic opportunities.

In addition to Rep. Hunter, other speakers and participants will include: State Rep. Geanie Morrison ( -Victoria), State Rep. Jason Isaac (R-Dripping Springs), Chairman Bryan Shaw of the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, and Wade Smith, President and COO of AEP Texas.

The Corpus Christi Energy Summit will be the sixth event in the TCCRI Energy Summit series. One of the primary goals of the TCCRI Energy Summit series is to discuss the policy questions that under pin a pro-growth energy policy in Texas. TCCRI has hosted Energy Summits in: Victoria, San Antonio, Houston, Irving, and Fort Worth; a final event will be held in Austin later this fall.

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