Port O’Connor Lions Club Holds Ice Cream Social and Bingo by Joyce Jordan

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Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 23 Aug 12 - Comments Off on Port O’Connor Lions Club Holds Ice Cream Social and Bingo by Joyce Jordan

Kaelin Bell had the winning bid for this clock made by Jim Butler. Kaelin thought it would make a great birthday present for her father.

On Friday, August 17th, the Port O’Connor Lions Club held an Ice Cream Social and Bingo at the Port O’Connor School Cafeteria. There was plenty of ice cream including some homemade ice cream and cookies to be enjoyed by all along with prizes given out to winners of the bingo games played. This was an event which was fun for all ages as there were approximately forty participants in attendance including the two smallest children.

If you see some chickens in Port O’Connor – not the real live ones, you may be observing some of the popular prizes of the event. Who knew? There were many different prizes won, such as scarves, owl & autumn leaf shaped candle holders and dishes, a fish themed message board, neat large serving trays, and of course the several aforementioned stuffed chickens (again – not real ones) in many shapes, colors, & sizes as just a sample of the useful selection of many different prizes.

The event included an auction of two clocks – one specially made by Jim Butler with Fishing Lures around the face and another designed by him with seashells. The winners of the bids auctioning the clock with the fishing lures was Kaelin Bell and the joint winners of the clock with seashells were Annette and Victor Leach.

Jim Butler, Fundraising Chairman and his wife, Linda are to be commended for their work in coordinating this event. Linda, Club Treasurer was our treasurer for the event. Callers for the Bingo games were Fundraising Chairman Jim Butler, President Joyce Jordan, and Vice President Debbie Michalek. Servers were Carol Haverfield, Kathy Yearwood, & Grady Jean Clark – who were the most popular people of the night as they dished out the wonderful ice cream and cookies. John Haverfield, John Jordan, and Kenneth Clark were part of the crew. John Haverfield even pitched in as our “Go For” to get the last minute ice, etc. that we needed.

Port O’Connor Lions Club withes to express “THANKS!” to all who made this an enjoyable time by working, baking, or attending – YOU ARE ALL APPRECIATED! The funds will be used for future community projects. Please look for upcoming advertised events and mark your calendar so you won’t miss out next time, if you did not get a chance to attend this one.

For any information or questions regarding the Port O’Connor Lions Club, or information regarding membership, please contact Joyce Jordan, President, at Cell #361-655-7999, or Membership Chairman, Carol Haverfield at ph. #361-983-4969 to find out what Lions Club is all about.

John and Carol Haverfield Port O’Connor Lions

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