Vietnam Era Veterans, Let Us Honor You!

Archived in the category: Announcements, Events, General Info
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 23 Aug 12 - Comments Off on Vietnam Era Veterans, Let Us Honor You!

who lost loved ones in the Vietnam War

Please give us the honor of your presence at something that should have happened A Long Time Ago

Saturday, October 13th, 2012 at 10AM
Downtown Victoria, Texas

Finally, After All These Years,


Hosted by Warrior’s Weekend

You answered your Country’s call; You served with honor & courage;
You Did Not Receive the “Welcome Home” You Deserved

Please Allow Us to Honor You in a “Welcome Home” Long Deserved!

Vietnam/Vietnam Era Veterans & Gold Star Families Please Call to Register:

Sherry Kocian 361-572-0001 or Toll Free 1-887-572-0001
Bettye Pribyl 361-573-9402
Gloria Fric 361-573-4940

Vietnam Era Veterans, Let Us Honor You!

The Dolphin urges you to register for “The Parade That Never Was”. (See details above.) Additionally, we would be honored to print a photo from your service years and information about you in an upcoming issue. You can email to: or bring your photo by our office at 2232 Monroe in Port O’Connor where we will scan your photo while you wait. Families who lost a loved one in the Vietnam War may also submit a photo. We must receive your photo by Friday, October 5, 2012. We hope to hear from you!

Thanks for your service, Mayor DeForest! Vietnam: kneeling at bottom right in picture (wearing the darker helmet) is Elmer DeForest, who now serves as Mayor of Seadrift. In the back row, far left, is Elmer Emmert.

To All Clubs & Organizations:

Warrior’s Weekend invites you to take part in honoring our Vietnam Veterans by participating in “The Parade That Never Was” which is scheduled for Saturday, October 13 at 10:00 a.m. in downtown Victoria. Car/motorcycle clubs, bands, drill teams are encouraged to participate, as well as individual vehicle/motorcycles, walkers, and floats by clubs or organizations. For more information, please call 1-877-572-0001. Entry deadline is Friday, October 5, 2012.

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