Intercoastal 4-H Club by Elizabeth Carey

Archived in the category: General Info, Organizations
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 13 Sep 12 - Comments Off on Intercoastal 4-H Club by Elizabeth Carey

The Intercoastal 4-H Club of Port O’Connor met for their first meeting of the school year, with a guest speaker, our Calhoun County Extension Agent, Charles Seely.

Our group leader, L’Roy Bell helped lead the discussion about our upcoming County Fair, which is October 17-21, 2012. All members will have animal projects to raise and show at the fair and some will enter other events.

We have 16 members and one new member. The officers are President: Justin Munsch: Vice-President, Thomas Hawes: Treasurer, Shelby Roberds: Secretary, Carly Rosenboom: and Reporter: Elizabeth Carey, that’s me.

Plan on coming out to the fair and having some fun.

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