St. Joseph Church Begins New Bible Study by Melissa Doggett

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Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 13 Sep 12 - Comments Off on St. Joseph Church Begins New Bible Study by Melissa Doggett

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First Corinthians Bible Study Starting Sept. 23rd

St. Joseph Catholic Church in Port O’Connor is starting their next The Great Adventure Bible study, First Corinthians: The Church and the Christian Community, featuring Dr. Tim Gray via DVD. The conflicts of the early Christians in the seaport town of Corinth are in many ways similar to our struggles today as Christians. With divisions, immorality, persecution, and other trials of the faithful, the message of St. Paul to the Corinthians is a much needed message for our own times. The study explores the key elements that the apostle Paul introduced to a new and growing Church.
Come join us Sunday evenings starting September 23rd from 6:30 – 7:30 p.m. as we explore Paul’s letter to the Corinthians. We will meet in the Parish Hall to discuss Scripture readings followed by a 30 minute video summarizing the lesson. The first session is an introduction followed by ten study sessions. No prior experience or knowledge is necessary.
Please contact Melissa Doggett at 361-983-2510 to register or if you would like more information regarding the study.

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