“The Lord Provides” by Joyce Rhyne

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Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 13 Sep 12 - Comments Off on “The Lord Provides” by Joyce Rhyne

House of Prayer Celebrates First Year of Service

Meeting with the staff of the House of Prayer at their first anniversary party on August 28, it was evident that their enthusiasm for this Seadrift outreach is even greater than it was when it began. The building at 502 W. Broadway is small and doesn’t look like much from the outside, but inside it warm and bright, perhaps a reflection of the Spirit Who guides its crew in their efforts to share the Love of God with all who enter.

The House of Prayer began as an outreach of New Beginnings Church in Point Comfort, but is not in the business of recruiting members for the church. It is not, itself, a church, but encourages anyone who visits them to become involved with one of the local churches. The staff consists of Seadrift residents Evelyn Williams, Judy Gaines, and Ceila Victory.

“When we began, we really didn’t know what we were doing,” said Evelyn Williams. “We wanted to be a place where folks needing prayer could come, but we weren’t really sure what else this outreach would entail. It all really fell into place when it got really cold last winter. People started giving us coats; we had 150 of them! We gave them to anyone who needed them, but still had 50 left over which we took to the local Methodist Church on “Feed My Sheep” food distribution day. A cold front had just hit, but many who were in line for food were wearing summer clothes. We were able to give them the coats they needed. After that, more and more folks started coming to us for help.”

Since then, the House of Prayer has given away many needed items including clothing, house wares, and toiletries. “God sends us people who need certain items, and He sends people who give us the items,” said Evelyn. Two instances that stand out in her mind are: once when someone gave them a brand new hospital bed right after someone had expressed a need for a bed for their 95-year-old grandfather; and the time someone needed a wheelchair and the next day someone came by and donated a brand-new wheelchair.

“God truly works on people’s hearts and in their lives,” said Evelyn, “People who first received coats and school clothes from us are now donating back to others.”

As she told more of how the Lord has provided, Evelyn said, “God meets our needs. When we first began, we had $398 in the bank. After one year of operation, we still have $398!”

Although they have been able to assist many in need, the House of Prayer is not primarily a place for meeting material needs; it is also a place where people who are troubled can find a listening ear and someone who will pray with and for them. The doors are open weekdays from 10:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m. and Bible Study is held every Sunday evening at 6:00 p.m. Volunteers can be reached by phone at:

Evelyn Williams – 361-553-9328

Judy Gaines – 361-237-0407

Ceila Victory (Spanish) – 361-785-2187

In the House of Prayer’s “clothes closet” are, in front: Ceila Victory and Judy Gaines, and in back, left to right: David Williams, Evelyn Williams, and Pastor Kenyon Hamilton.

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