Adopt-A-Beach Volunteers

Archived in the category: General Info
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 27 Sep 12 - Comments Off on Adopt-A-Beach Volunteers

Thanks to the Intercoastal 4-H Club and other Port O’Connor locals, Kingfisher Beach received a good clean-up on Saturday, September 22. Participating in the effort were: Elizabeth Carey, Brenley Walters, Tristan Krenek; Blake Walters; Carly Rosenboom; John Rosenboom; Tarah Munsch; Andrea Munsch; Justin Munsch; Calvin Ragusin, Jr.; Antonio Gloria; Teresa Krenek; L’Roy Bell; Carol Rosenboom; Daniel Gayle; Roxanne Ochoa; Isaiah Ochoa; and Co-ordinator, Debbie Gayle.

County Agent Rhonda Cummins reports there were 133 volunteers cleaning up Magnolia Beach. They collected 46 bags of trash, along with other items like tires.

Laurie Weaver’s group from Hope High School cleaned up by the causeway in Point Comfort. Thirteen students picked up 21 bags of trash.

Connie Wooldridge and the Lakeside 4-H Club cleaned up Swan Point. Fifteen volunteers picked up five bags of trash at that site.

Thanks to all for keeping our beaches clean.

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