Footprints & Rusty Hooks (or Bits & Pieces of What’s Happening in POC) by Sue Kubecka

Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 27 Sep 12 - Comments Off on Footprints & Rusty Hooks (or Bits & Pieces of What’s Happening in POC) by Sue Kubecka

Bunco! -The next gathering of the Bunco group will be Tuesday, October 2, 2012 at 7:00 p.m.  This energetic group meets once a month to spend time rolling those dice while learning about the latest happenings in our community and what’s cooking with each other.  And as our days are starting to cool down, the increased determination of each player is a wonder to see.   There were many winners and no Elviras present at the last session, so a very good time was had by all.

We meet in the back meeting room of the Community Center, and play will commence following the usual array of delicious foods.  We welcome all interested women on that evening; if you are new to our area, this is a good way to meet others.  And if playing Bunco is something you’ve never had time for, well, you will certainly enjoy yourself, so come check us out.  You could go home a winner too!  Call Shirley Gordon at the Library for further information, 983-4365.

If you’ve seen the petition at the bulletin board by the Post Office re the Sports Association, do SIGN it!  This will go to the Commissioners’ Court for support of the building of the Sports Area near the Community Center.  The POCSA has been hard at work for several years to reach this point in time and are actively seeking community support for this project.  Current plans are to present petitions and letters from residents of this area at a meeting of the Commissioners’ Court later this year; a confirmed date has not been set, but if anyone would like the opportunity to see democracy in action, think about attending and make certain your wishes are counted.  As a special date is available, we will make it known.  A sample letter was printed in the previous issue of the Dolphin Talk; do use it with your personalization.

And, if you think you’re free on the 3rd Monday evening of the month, plan to attend the POCSA meeting; held at the Community Center at 7:00 p.m.  Contact Calvin Ragusin at 655-0498 for further information. Membership in this worthwhile organization is only $10.00 per year and we need your assistance!

Want to have a little bit of fun on a Thursday evening? And you ladies don’t have to wear a full skirt! (Cause you may have to be the gentleman in the Square!) The new Square Dance group meets Thursday evenings at 7:00 p.m. at the School Auditorium, and a very good, fun time is had by all. You don’t have to know the steps such as Dosiedo or Allemande Left as they will be explained by the caller. Call Sherry Roberds 713 725 0611 for more information.

DON’T FORGET THE BIG BIG BIG Fishing Tournament on October 5 & 6, 2012 as sponsored by the family & friends of Chris Ragusin. This has become a Memorial Celebration of his life and is a major happening here in Port O’Connor. The Tournament begins on Friday, October 5th with the Captains’ Meeting and will continue throughout the weekend. Watch for other information throughout this paper.

A small tragedy struck one of the boats moored on the Intercoastal over the weekend. Luckily the owner found her in time as she was listing to port before she shipped too much water.
Aren’t these beautiful coolish mornings gorgeous? And the air is so much cleaner which makes a dream sunrise for a photographer, so when I walk our mini schnauzer in the a.m., my camera is strung around my neck as I hope for that special pix. Haven’t found it tho!
361 798-0560

If the reader wishes to add any news at any time to this column, please contact me at the above address or telephone number. And thanks in advance for reading.

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