Port O’Connor Chamber Chat by LaJune Pitonyak

Archived in the category: General Info, Organizations
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 27 Sep 12 - Comments Off on Port O’Connor Chamber Chat by LaJune Pitonyak

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The Port O’Connor Chamber of Commerce is working on updating–www.portoconnorchamber.org–. We are trying to keep an updated list of events on our home page. I encourage you to email your information about an upcoming event or email a flyer about your event and it will be posted on Facebook and sent out to everyone in our address book. Our Facebook friends are growing each week. We welcome your pictures and articles about things going on in our community. This way the community will feel more involved with what’s happening. Just email to poccc@tisd.net. There has been a link added on our homepage http://www.weather.com/, so no matter where someone is, even the people in other states, they can check our weather and may decide that we have such amazing Fall and Winters they may come on down and join us.

In the past several years there have been many friendships made with our visitors from the northern states and we certainly want to welcome them back and also invite their friends. Port O’Connor has always been a friendly community. I think this is one thing that draws people into returning here to do their fishing, hunting, birding and just plain relaxing and enjoying life. This is also what has caused so many people to decide to retire here and make it their home.

The next Chamber meeting will be October 8th at 6:30 p.m. at Port O’Connor Community Center. Everyone is invited to attend. We realized that in this day and time most have very busy lives. There are numerous new neighbors in Port O’Connor. The reason I know this is when I go into the Post Office, out of five people, I may know one person. So take an hour and come out.

We need people to help with committees and also people with ideas to aid in making our projects bigger and better each year.

Thanks to 10th Street Lodge for their 2012 membership.


About 4:15 p.m., Sunday, September 16, this water spout was over Matagorda Bay. At times 3 were sighted at the same time, along with lightning. Photo by LaJune Pitonyak



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