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Barack Hussein Obama’s Middle-east Policy
Barack Hussein Obama promised us in 2008 that his special relationship with Islam and Muslims would make Islamic jihad and terrorism a thing of the past. He launched a 3 year campaign of Apology Tours and ‘appeasement’. He then declared the War Against Terror over and supported the ‘Democratization’ of the Islamic countries of North Africa in what was called the “Arab Spring” of this year. The Obama Administration has long insisted that the Muslim Brotherhood was a sectarian democratic organization, but that is wishful thinking on their part, totally in conflict with their history, creed, and stated purpose. With a motto of: “Allah is our objective. The Prophet is our leader. The Qur’an is our law. Jihad is our way. Dying in the way of Allah is our highest hope,“ and a continued commitment by some of its members to ”[destroy] Western civilization from within,” many intelligence agents and political observers warned Obama and Hillary Clinton, but their arguments fell on deaf ears. Hillary Clinton has a Senior Adviser, Huma Abedin, whose whole family have long been involved in the Muslim Brotherhood and other Islamic jihad organizations. Obama and Hillary believe what they want to believe, not evidence. Egypt rapidly opted for a Sharia theocracy instead of democracy. Their purpose is to destroy Israel, throw out any American influence in Muslim countries, establish Sharia in the US and other western democracies for Muslim populations, and install a world-wide Caliphate to rule Muslims.
When democratic Muslims in Libya revolted against Gaddafi, Obama supported them, but failed to differentiate between the democratic factions and those allied with Al Qaeda. Soon the Libyan revolution was more Islamofascist than democratic, and they too are now sliding into a Sharia theocracy. The Libyan leadership and intel services warned the Obama administration of the planned attack on the Benghazi consulate 3 days before it happened. Intel services world-wide warned of planned Muslim riots in many countries on 9/11. Obama and Hillary refused to listen. They want to believe what they want to believe. Hillary issued a order that no live ammo to be issued to the Marines, or even Security Contractors, guarding embassies or consulates. The guards at Benghazi were hired by a British security outfit chosen because they were willing to go along with the ‘no live ammo’ order, they were mostly veterans of the “17th of February Brigade” Libyan militia. The Al Qaeda terrorists attacked with Rocket Propelled Grenades (RPGs) and mortars as well as assault rifles and machine-guns. There was no demonstration gone wrong, but a straight out attack. While Obama was apologizing to the Egyptians attacking our embassy there, burning our flag and replacing it with an Al Qaeda banner, Al Qaeda was killing Ambassador Chris Stevens and 3 other Americans in Benghazi.
The excuse that all these “demonstrations” were brought on solely by a amateurish, even cartoonish, movie trailer is ridiculous. This has been on You Tube since June and largely ignored. However, Bill (Pig) Maher’s movie “Religulous”, ridiculing Islam as well as Christianity and Judaism, made over $13 million. He donated $1 million to an Obama Pac, so no complaint about that. Obama is still pushing this obvious excuse (as of 9/21). There is pressure to pass “laws” limiting the First Amendment’s Free Speech. This is a long-time goal of the Liberal/Progressives, to silence anyone but the Media they control. One of the most popular chants throughout the 21 or so countries having Islamist demonstrations is, “Obama Obama, We are all Osama!”, so Obama and the DNC constantly claiming credit for Obama for the Seals’s raid that killed Osama Bin Laden may be a large factor in this Islamic hatred. Obama continues to blame the movie trailer, the Coptic Christians that made it, and with his Lap-dog Media spin the blame of on Christians, Republicans, and the Tea Party.
Why do they fear the Tea Party so much? The Tea Party is not threatening to behead those that disagree, not burning vehicles, vandalizing property, fighting with police, or having rapes, drug overdoses, and even murders at their demonstrations. They want Constitutional laws, a balanced budget, and limited government interference so the economy can grow again. Is that so bad?
Barack Hussein Obama’s foreign policy should be judged on two standards:
1. What is good for America, our economy, and American citizens.
2.What is good for the Progressive/Socialist/Internationalists that now run the now Dhimmicrat Party, and their UN Agenda.
If we listen to the Mainstream Media it is OK for foul-mouth Pig Mayer to ridicule Islam if he ridicules Christianity and Judaism also. It is always OK to slam any Christian denomination for any reason and OK for Muslims to call Jews “pigs and dogs”, but Christians that say anything bad about Jews, even irreligious Jews, are ‘Bigots’. No one is to say anything that may offend any Muslim or mention that Mohammad was a bandit, married a rich older woman for money and prestige, but later married a 6 year-old and consummated the marriage when she was 9. These are historical facts, noted in the Quran, but a Kuffur (infidel) better not mention it or they will cut his head off. Religion of Peace? I don’t think so.
The Muslim Brotherhood describes Islam best:
“Allah is our objective. The Prophet is our leader. The Qur’an is our law. Jihad is our way. Dying in the way of Allah is our highest hope,“
Obama gave $500,000 in “bail” to Egypt to release Americans imprisoned during the “Arab Spring”, a further $1.5 billion to President Morsi as economic aid, and is still trying to give a Military Aid package of $3.7 billion that reputed includes buying German submarines. Is this wise? Or even rational? These are modern diesel-electric boats that are so quiet our nuclear attack subs have difficulty finding them, and they can be fitted with cruise missiles that can be launched from the surface. They would be a major threat to the eastern Mediterranean area.
We must cut off all “aid” to countries that hate us and attack our embassies. We are broke anyway and are “borrowing” the money to build up our enemies. There is major trouble brewing between China and Japan and we are bound by treaty to defend Japanese territory. (but ask the Israelis about Obama’s support for Treaty obligations) I suggest that the “Democratization” of the Middle-east is a total failure now. It was too expensive under Bush and the Neo-cons, but impossible under Obama and the Neo-Commies.
It is time for a rational pro-American foreign policy, not ideological agenda driven wishful thinking and media posturing. And same for domestic policy. Obama’s “Change” has been to reduce our economy and our influence in the world, but that is ‘anti-colonialism’.