Ever encountered a weird sea creature that defies description? Caught a saltwater fish but don’t quite know what kind it is? Now there’s an easy way to identify whatever it is you’ve run across. Launched this summer, the Identification Guide to Marine Organisms of Texas has been compiled from decades of data by TPWD Coastal […]
Home > September, 2012
New Online Identification Guide to Texas Marine Organisms Available
Fish Out of Water, by Thomas Spychalski…
Automne est arrive… It’s almost that time again, when the leaves will start to fall from the trees (late October for us spoiled here on the coast) and the night becomes cold enough to see our breath escape into the chilly night air. Farmers also look forward to this time of year as it is […]
POC Service Club News by Sue Kubecka
The September 20, 2012 meeting of the Service Club concerned mainly the upcoming Garage Sale scheduled for Saturday, November 3, 2012. The Sale will begin again at 8:00 a.m. and last until the last item on the tables have left. The hardworking Chairman of the Sale is Lydia Strakos, and she is stressing to the […]
What’s Up?
AA meets each Saturday night at 7 p.m. at First Baptist Church Fellowship Hall in Port O’Connor. AA Meetings are held each Monday at 7:30 p.m. at St. Patrick’s Catholic Church, 4th & Cleveland, in Seadrift. Fellowship begins at 7:00. POC Lions Club meets the second Wednesday of each month, 12 Noon, at Cathy’s Restaurant […]
Letters to the Dolphin
Letter to the Dolphin: I’d like to address “Name Withheld by Request” regarding the letter about golf carts. Yes, golf carts and utility vehicles, along with automobiles, boats, etc. should be operated within the law. However, you seem to be nit-picking about the definition of golf carts. All I can say is: SERIOUSLY???? With the […]