Letters to the Dolphin

Archived in the category: General Info, Letters to the Dolphin
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 11 Oct 12 - 1 Comment

Letter to the Editor

During a recent strong squall that came thru we had a kayak blown out of a sling and did minor damage around our boat stalls. After searching the area and checking all the places that you can imagine, we were about to resign ourselves that someone indeed had helped themselves to it, never to be seen again. I proceeded to take down the sling and thought about the kids missing their kayak and how much they enjoyed it. Sure enough Johnny Hawes was visiting with Joe Rivera and said he was about to put an ad in the Dolphin Talk about a kayak he had found in Barroom Bay. Joe knew I had lost mine and called me. After describing it to Johnny he told me to come by and pick it up, it’s now back home! It’s always great to be reassured that POC abounds with good people, many thanks to Johnny, Kristin, Uncle Buck and Bridget, the Fishing Center family.

Peyton Martin

Thankful for Their Work

We are thankful for the work that State Representative Todd Hunter did for our District 32 for Windstorm, Human Trafficking, the Calendar Committee and many others.
Dr. Windstorm will now represent most of Nueces County.

You can count on Todd even though our new State Representative is Geanie Morrison. Geanie will represent Calhoun County and Victoria County very well and we look forward to working with her. Geanie has served Texas for a long time and will serve our County well.

U.S. Congressman Ron Paul gave my father Roland Cain and my mother Virginia Cain, his WWII Medals one year before my father passed away. You can always count on Ron Paul to represent the Veterans and the senior citizens on the Texas Gulf Coast.

Thank you, Todd and Ron, very much for the service to our County and the State of Texas and our Nation.

Russell Cain
Realtor for 40 years
Calhoun County Republican Chairperson; Past President Calhoun County Realtors, 2 terms


Campaign Fundraising Scandal

Once again the Obama administration is involved in another huge scandal. Soon after the Obama campaign bragged on raising $181 Million in campaign donations in September, the Government Accountability Institute today (10/8/12) released details of an eight-month probe into fundraising by the presidential candidates and all House and Senate candidates that also shows that the president’s outreach and fundraising have targeted websites in Chinese, Arabic, Thai, and Korean. Generally, donations from foreign nations are illegal.

Furthermore, 98% of these donation were small enough not to require donor information. It appears that many of these small Internet donations were funded with pre-paid credit cards that are practically untraceable. There seemed to have been a surge after SecState Hillary Clinton announced her intention to continue foreign aid to Egypt($3.2 Billion) and Pakistan. McClatchy reports,” In her Sept. 13 notices, Clinton informed Congress that she was waiving provisions of the 2009 Enhanced Partnership with Pakistan Act and the State Department’s 2012 budget requiring that she certify that Islamabad has met certain conditions before some $2 billion in economic, military and counter-terrorism assistance can be disbursed.” Some of the Pakistani military and intel services have been actively supporting Taliban and Al Qaeda and the above cited law was passed to stop that. It hasn’t stopped, and Clinton intends to give Pakistan the aid anyway. Clinton has also promised a $450 million aid package to the “Syrian rebels” in spite of evidence that most are connected with Al Qaeda and other terrorist groups. Looks like another Libya to me.

Whose side are they on? I know, what ever it takes to win the election: The Chicago Way.

Bill Brayshaw,

Thank You

A letter of thanks to the people who attended my birthday party. As I told Margaret Jennings, there’s no place I’d rather live than Port O’Connor. People are so nice and helpful to me here. I did enjoy seeing all my friends.

Thanks for all the cards, gifts, meal tickets and lottery tickets. I had lots of fun scratching them off.

I am still receiving cards and greetings from people who recognized me from the article in the Dolphin Talk. My thanks to Joyce Rhyne.

My thanks again to the people of Port O’Connor and out of town people who attended.

Love and Prayers,
Agnes Valigura

Letter to the Editor

As we near the coming Presidential elections, I would like to suggest a book to read for anyone concerned about the future of America. The book is called Islam, the Seed of Slavery by the Rev. Maiwa’azi Den Denia of Nigeria.

Raised in an Islamic system, Rev. Den Denia sheds light on the hopes and dreams of the Nation of Islam by sharing the strategies employed to position Islam for conquest.

1. Alienate the poor through evangelizing and humanitarian efforts and also demonizing the successful.

2. Slowly and quietly, infiltrating all sectors of society, business, education, and governmental positions, in order to exact greater leverage to control wealth, information and law.

3. Sowing seeds of division through racism in order to divide everything and everyone from family units, churches, and even entire nations.

Does any of this sound familiar? I wonder, are we being positioned for conquest?

Patrick Overton

The Dolphin welcomes letters from our readers on any subject that is of general interest to our audience. Letters should be 300 words or less (with exceptions at the Dolphin’s discretion). Letters reflect the opinion of the writer, and not that of Dolphin Talk staff, and we retain the right to determine suitability for publication. It is the policy of this newspaper to promote area interests: therefore, complaints against local businesses should be directed elsewhere. Letters must be signed and include day and evening phone numbers, which will not be published. Your name will be withheld upon request, but anonymous material will not be considered for publication.

Dolphin Talk
P.O. Box 777
Port O’Connor, TX 77982


One comment for “Letters to the Dolphin”

Bill Brayshaw

Patrick Overton

Thank you for your suggestion in your excellent letter. We rarely get any truth from the Mainstream Media anymore. If it wasn’t for independent papers like The Dolphin, the internet, and concerned citizens we would be lost.

October 20th, 2012 at 10:47 am
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