Port O’Connor Fishing Report by Capt. Bob Hill

Archived in the category: Fishing Reports, General Info
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 11 Oct 12 - Comments Off on Port O’Connor Fishing Report by Capt. Bob Hill

Omar Rodriguez, New Braunfelds, Jack Overman, Jesse Aldana, Johnny Laurels, San Antonio caught a full box of fish at the Jetties fishing with Capt. Bob Hill.

I think the word for today should be “erratic”. We have had everything from sunny and warm to cool and windy over the last few days. Our first Arctic front is passing as I write this report and it is a good one. Wind from the North gusting to 30 knots, temperatures down in to the 50’s. The tide has been all over the chart but for the most part it has been low. This morning the air temp is 58 and the water temp is 64.8, fairly low for this time of year.

Erratic would also be a good description for the fishing. The back bays were giving up nice boxes of fish, mostly reds but there were some nice trout for a while and now that has gone south until the weather calms down..

The Lakes have been mainly redfish. It has been a bit difficult for most boats to get around back there.

The Jetties have been anywhere from fantastic to not so much. You can fill the boat most days but then up pops a day when you get nearly skunked. If I figure it out I’ll write a book.

Capt. Bob Hill
Port O’Connor Charters
(281) 984-0015


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