The Way I See It… Guest Column by William D. Brayshaw

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Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 11 Oct 12 - Comments Off on The Way I See It… Guest Column by William D. Brayshaw

“The Way I See It” is an attempt by the guest columnist to enlighten readers on a subject, as he views it, and does not necessarily reflect the views of this publication.

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Media Malfeasance – Campaign 2012

With the Obama Debate Debacle, and the Mainstream Media’s reaction, there should be no doubt in anyone’s mind that the Media has been “in the tank” for Obama since the beginning of the 2008 campaign, and still is. No matter how poor his administration’s performance, the most secretive administration ever, or the excuses and even outright lies fostered on them and the American people, they still blindly cover up for him. They are not reporting the news if it is negative to Obama, and even regularly spin the news to try and convince people that bad isn’t so bad, and if it really is bad, that it is someone else’s fault. Anyone who tries to hold Obama or his administration responsible for their mistakes and failures is automatically labeled a Racist!

Actually this is the worst form of racism; they are really saying that he should not, and can not, be held responsible for his actions because he is black. Isn’t that truly Racist?

Post-debate, there was an emotional melt-down at MSNBC because of Obama’s failure to stand up to Mitt Romney’s questions, facts, plans, and his pointing out that Obama’s statements and answers were often simply untrue. I suspect that part of Obama’s lack of truth is directly related to MSNBC’s (and many others) constantly acting as the Obamunist Propaganda Machine and he has been listening to them for so long that he no longer recognizes the truth from the propaganda. This is major problem with “The Big Lie Politics”; don’t start believing the propaganda you feed to the Sheeple. The Obamunist Govt Model has proven to be the problem, not the answer. But with the Media, they won’t tell the truth, while we slide into economic ruin. This Media’s “Job One” is re-elect Obama, economy and the people be damned.


Recent polls that have shown Obama ahead have mostly been based on the 2008 demographic that gives the Democrats a +7 advantage over Repubs. That is no longer true. Voter registrations over the past 3 years have been heavily Republican. The only exceptions seem to be in areas worked by unions and ACORN groups that falsify many registrations because they are paid. Also in some areas where the Democratic Primary may be the real election in local races, many people register Dem, but usually vote Rep or Ind. in Statewide or National elections. In telephone polls many more people now describe themselves as Republican or Conservative than pick Democrat or Liberal. Also, reports by pollsters say as few as 9% of the contacted people are willing to even answer any questions. This may be a huge impact in the election.

The constant blathering of Liberal Pundits on how much the polls favor Obama is simply a tactic to discourage Conservative and Independent voters. It has worked before, but not so well now. It is motivating the conservatives and putting many ‘Democrat leaners’ to sleep. Also the Media Lap-dogs have been so dishonest for so long that no thinking person believes them anymore.

Jobs and the Economy

Every month the reported economic growth has been corrected downward within a couple of weeks and the unemployment percentage has to be corrected upward. You simply can not get accurate data out of this administration. Occasional mistakes are understandable, but there is a pattern of consistent disinformation, lies, and even changing the accounting practices. Now we have seen that the unemployment has been reduced by putting healthy, but unemployed, workers on Social Security Disability. Permanent disability is paid out of Social Security funds. Also this ‘disability’ can be alcoholism, drug abuse, obesity, or now ‘mood disorders’. What is worse, Obama has reduced SSI funding by reducing the employee part to SS. So we have a flood of new recipients that have nothing really wrong with them and a lot less money for those retirees that paid into this Ponzi Scam for 50-some years. Not to mention illegal aliens are eligible now for Social Security and Disability.

Last months Unemployment is reported as 7.8%. But look at the known data. Added 190K jobs in July, UE(New Govt definition:Un-Employment) stayed above 8.1%. Added 150K jobs in August, UE stayed above 8.1%. Added 114K jobs in September, UE rate plummets to 7.8%. Obviously not true. It takes a minimum of 150K new jobs per to provide for new workers every month and there was a 36,000 short-fall. How could it go down so drastically? Someone is jiggling the numbers, again.

Update 10/7: A few commentators are now mentioning this. Sec. of Labor Hilda Solis is taking heat, and is blaming the Bureau of Labor Statistics. But will the truth come out in the 4 weeks before the election?

Obama and Romney

Ann Romney was long ago diagnosed with multiple sclerosis and has used riding, training, and showing horses as exercise-therapy to develop strength, balance, and reaction. It seems to work, she is a poised, graceful, attractive, even elegant woman. She owns several horses, including a part-ownership with her trainer and another friend, in “Rafalca”, a very valuable Dressage show-horse. made a very sarcastic campaign commercial about how the Romneys spent $77,000 on Rafalca’s care, boarding, training, and transportation. The Media picked up this as a way to alienate the Romneys from most people, but generally neglected to explain that the high expenses were mostly because Rafalca was being used by the US Olympic Equestrian Team. Rafalca was ranked as high as 13th world-wide, but did not make the cut (of the top 18) for the Olympic finals, but the US team did win the Silver Medal.

On the other hand, for Spring Break the Obamas sent their 13 year old daughter to Mexico in an Air Force 757 executive airliner. At Mexico City she picked up 12 of her elite private school friends and flew to Oaxaca where the Govt rented an entire luxury hotel for the girls and Malia’s 25 man Secret Service team. Additional security was provided by local Mexican police, State police, Federal police, and Mexican Army – all of whom had to be paid for by the US Govt. Obama had asked the Media for no coverage of this trip – for reasons of security in a very dangerous country due to the drug cartels and the danger of kidnapping. The Media complied and when the story broke, they actively suppressed it and the costs involved. This 4 day jaunt for the First Daughter cost the taxpayers over a million dollars by most reports. This is during a year with a $1.4 Trillion deficit!

So the Media’s story is the Romneys spend $77,000 per year of their own money on a horse for physical therapy and lend it to the Olympic Team, and that’s bad? But the Obamas can spend over a million dollars of OUR money to send a 13 yr. old child and a dozen of her school-mates to such a dangerous place that it required so much security, for a FOUR DAY VACATION, and that’s OK? Who is the ELITIST?

Who’s side is the Media on?

A Free Press is necessary for a Free People, but the Mainstream Media is a total failure in unbiased reporting. Compare the coverage of Tea Party demonstrations and Occupy Wall Street. The Media tries hard to belittle and demonize the Tea Party, but all their demonstrations are orderly, patriotic, and calling for Constitutional govt. Public works and Parks officials have often commented that Tea Partiers leave their area cleaner than before they arrived. There have been no arrests. All of the Media’s allegations of racism or even rudeness have been dis-proven.

Occupy Wall Street has been praised and glorified by the Radical Left, Democrat Party Leaders, Obama and his minions, as well as the Liberal Media. Look at their record – violent confrontations with police, property damage, public urination and defecation- even on police cars, wide spread drug use, rapes, assaults, thefts, even murders. They regularly call for riot, revolution, Communism, the end of capitalism and Constitutional govt, kill the rich and anyone else they don’t like that day.

But the Media is still trying to convince us that the Tea Party are the dangerous ‘radicals’ that need to be stopped. They are so flagrantly biased that it defies common sense. And we can expect more: louder, shriller, and more ridiculous as the election approaches. They are the dedicated volunteers of the Obamunist Propaganda Machine.

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