Celebrating 50 Years Of Sundown (Chester) Island!

Archived in the category: Announcements, General Info, Organizations
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 25 Oct 12 - Comments Off on Celebrating 50 Years Of Sundown (Chester) Island!

Chester Island photo by Diane D. Nunley

Audubon is celebrating 50 years of Sundown Island! Originally built in 1962 from dredge spoils, this seventy-acre island is one of the most important rookery sites for Brown Pelicans in the state, and is widely credited as one of the sites that saved brown pelicans from extinction in Texas.

Today, Sundown is home to 18 species of birds and continues to be an important site for Brown Pelicans. Audubon wardens manage Sundown and other islands – monitoring bird colonies, patrolling for predators, and enhancing habitat.

Sundown Island was recently renamed in honor and memory of long-time warden Chester Smith.

Be sure to visit the Chester Island website: http://www.sundownisland.org.

For more information or to sign up as a volunteer contact: Tim Wilkinson, Chester Island Sanctuary Warden at twsword1@comcast.net


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