The Way I See It… Guest Column by William D. Brayshaw

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Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 25 Oct 12 - Comments Off on The Way I See It… Guest Column by William D. Brayshaw

“The Way I See It” is an attempt by the guest columnist to enlighten readers on a subject, as he views it, and does not necessarily reflect the views of this publication.

More Media Malfeasance

In the second debate Obama bragged on “his” increased oil and gas production. But the truth is this was accomplished in spite of Obama’s Administration, not because of it. Obama has had much Federal land withdrawn from oil leases, his EPA has tried to stop drilling in many areas, even on private land, and worse, he canceled the Keystone pipeline. However, fueled by rising gas prices around the world, the private sector managed to overcome all of Obama’s stumbling blocks and increased oil and refined gasoline production. And much of the drilling and fracking that has been going on is from the blessings of G. W. Bush and him Approving the start of that fracking process before he left office in 2009, on PRIVATE LANDS.

Obama’s big “Green Energy” has been a complete failure. There are 36 Green Energy companies that received over $10.2 billion in grants and loans, all are failing, 19 have declared bankruptcy. But Obama is determined to keep pushing this wasteful agenda. Many of the big grants are to companies that are owned by major campaign donors and bundlers like Solyndra. Obama still wants to fund this with taxpayer dollars. If companies have good ideas and are well run, they can raise money through stock sales. Obama could give tax breaks to investors to fund these projects, but the investors would be taking the risk, not the Treasury. Also Obama claims publicly that “every dime” of the TARP stimulus has been repaid, but the Congressional Budget Office says they are still $24 million short. And the people are left holding the bag on those companies that filed Bankruptcy because the Administration has made a ruling that the TAXED Investors are to be PAID BACK LAST, while the PRIVATE INVESTORS GET PAID BACK FIRST from the left over selling off and repositioning of Loss.

Obama and his representatives tried to blame the 9/11/2012 Benghazi attack on a little seen video trailer causing a demonstration, when intel assets had warned the State Dept and supposedly the White House before the attack by Al Qaeda-linked jihadists. Even the dead ambassador, Chris Stevens, had asked for more security assets, but most were removed. It took them almost 2 weeks to publicly admit that it was an organized terrorist attack, but in the debate Obama claimed he said it was a terrorist attack in his Rose Garden speech the following day. And Candy Crowley backed him up on it. Not true, he did mention at the end of his speech that he was against terrorism, but the main thrust was to blame the video, free speech, and religious intolerance against Muslims. Obama’s foreign policy is based on his personal love of Islam, his anti-colonial prejudices, and hope. Not on facts and reality. Lying to cover up mistakes is “politically normal”.

Obama’s people try to reduce the Unemployment Rate numbers by jiggling the statistics and putting healthy workers on Disability. His “Job Creation” does not keep up with the job losses and new workers entering the workforce. In fact, the workforce is shrinking with more people taking early retirement, getting on Disability, or just dropping out. The reason that last week’s numbers had gotten so low was because the State of California failed to submit their numbers on time, and when they did come clean about it the results showed that there would have been an increase of .38% bringing the Unemployment numbers up 1.28%, not the drop to 7.8% as touted by the Obama Administration.

Obama’s Attorney General is the most politicized and corrupt in history. “Fast and Furious” was designed to build public opinion for more gun control and the “Assault Rifle Ban”, but has gotten several Americans killed and wounded plus over 200 Mexicans. Obama, Holder, and Hillary Clinton want to expand the Assault Weapons Ban to include all semi-autos – rifles, shotguns, and pistols. They also want to outlaw all handguns, do away with Concealed Carry for civilians, and put prohibitive taxes on any guns and ammo.

Welfare is up 32% since Obama took office. Now over a trillion dollars per year. It will continue to get worse as people get discouraged and quit trying to be independent. This is part of the Cloward-Pivens Strategy to turn the USA into a totalitarian socialist state. Cloward & Pivens were professors at Columbia.

Does the Mainstream Media report and discuss these serious problems? NO! The Obama Campaign and their media friends are quick to call Romney a “Liar” when he suggests changes in policy, but Romney has been a success in every job he has held. These Obamunists call him a liar, but will not take the time to hear out his suggestions. They don’t attack his plans, because they can’t, only him. They know that Obama has been an abysmal failure, so all they have left is personal attacks and insults based on nothing factual. Obama is the one who has lied to the press and the people. He promised us transparency and has paid over $4.6 million to one law firm to keep his records sealed. He has been President for over 3 1/2 years and he hasn’t given out basic info necessary for a normal job application. His Social Security number will not even pass an E-Verify check. But they call Romney a liar? For the Obama Administration and Obama himself to call Romney a LIAR is the true POT calling the KETTLE black. Romney has Never been anything but honest in all of his business dealings in the past and he runs a very tight ship when he is pulling a company out of and away froom a Bankruptcy situation. That is what has made him successful in most of the dealings he has taken charge of.

Can we stand 4 more years of this? And as he told Vladimir Putin, he “will have more flexibility after his re-election”. I wonder what he means by that, and I greatly fear that it does not bode well for the American People and Constitutional Govt.

Obama was a great social experiment to prove that America was not racist. It did. Everything else about the Obama Administration has been a failure, especially economically. We simply cannot afford to re-elect him. Also, I believe that in a second term he “will have more flexibility”, and will go even further in destroying our economy, Constitution, and reduce us to a minor power internationally.

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