The Intercaostal 4-H members did a good job at the Calhoun County Fair. We represented the Port O’Connor Community really well. In Turkeys, Robyn Stringo won Reserve Champion, Jade Alford placed 3rd and Dalton Alford came in 4th. Several of us showed Roasters. We finished with Grand Champion Elizabeth Carey, 3rd: Hannah Hernandez; 5th: Thomas Hawes; 12th Madison Hawes; 14th Sam Thumann; 15th Jeremy Thumann; 16th Justin Munsch; and 18th Tarah Munsch. In rabbits, we had 4th place Shelby Rodgers, 21st Carly Rosenboom; 26th John Rosenboom; and 28th Jonathan Pitonyak. At the end of the week, we were all very tired, but we had a good time.
The Intercoastal 4-H had their monthly meeting, on Monday, November 5th at 7:00 pm. We discussed many topics, about upcoming events, like the Food Challenge and also baking cookies for the senior citizens around Christmas. Come join our 4-H Club.
The Dolphin welcomes reports from any and all of our local clubs and organizations.