Boat Parade Saturday, December 1

Archived in the category: Announcements, Events, Fishing Reports, General Info
Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 15 Nov 12 - Comments Off on Boat Parade Saturday, December 1

The 2012 Lighted Boat Parade, sponsored by the Port O’Connor Chamber of Commerce, will be held on Saturday, December 1st. The parade is scheduled to start at 6:30 p.m. in the ICW from west of Larry’s Harbor to just past Caracol. It is open to boats of all sizes that meet the minimum U.S. Coast Guard Safety Requirements and there is no fee if you decide to enter a boat. Froggie’s, The Fishing Center, and the end of 2nd Street are some of the best places for viewing.

The Captains’ Safety Meeting will be held at the Inn at Clark’s at 5:30 p.m. on December 1st along with registration and assignment of parade positions. The U.S. Coast Guard will have a member at the safety meeting in case of any questions or concerns.

Locals and tourists alike look forward to this annual event, and it is hoped that many boat owners will participate. Prizes will be awarded in several categories. This year, as in the past several years, we are happy to announce that the U.S. Coast Guard along with participants in the Toy Run are planning on being a part of this great tradition. It looks like this year is no exception – that it is going to be a fantastic lighted boat parade.

Lighted Boat Parade Chairman, Bill Tigrett, has stated “I anticipate as many as 40-50 boats will be participating.”

If you would like to be a part of this year’s boat parade, or for more information, please contact Chairman, Bill Tigrett at 361-983-2671 or email him at in order to receive an application. Otherwise, applications can be picked up at his office (Tigrett Real Estate) located at 1842 W. Adams Avenue (Highway 185) in Port O’Connor. Remember there is no entry fee – just the joy of the Christmas Season and fun of participating in the parade.

So, mark your calendar for December 1st and be sure to attend this event either as a participant or with all the fun of an observer of the parade along the ICW.

-Joyce Jordan

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