Footprints & Rusty Hooks (or Bits & Pieces of What’s Happening in POC) by Sue Kubecka

Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 15 Nov 12 - Comments Off on Footprints & Rusty Hooks (or Bits & Pieces of What’s Happening in POC) by Sue Kubecka

If you’ve noticed several women walking around this area with sore and tender feet, and a slightly tired expression on their faces, those were the gals that worked on the POC’s Service Club’s Big Big Big Garage & Bake Sale on the 3rd of this month. As this Sale is our major fund-raising activity, it requires the cooperation, time and just plain work for several days to set it up and then to staff it. Many members deserve kudos for their time-consuming and muscle aching work; their husbands come into play also as I’m certain either takeout or sandwiches or something frozen was the menu for several days. What a group of Women! Men too!

The Bunco group met on Tuesday, November 6th to enjoy themselves talking and playing and dining on the superb foods as provided by Biddie Hileman and Sally Jones. There were several winners of the various prizes, but, the best of all, was that Elvira did not make an appearance. Winner of most games was Pat Ekstrom with a Floating Bunco prize captured by Biddie Hileman. And Karen Richardson, a new player, went home with the Booby Prize.

The next get-to-gether of this group will be Tuesday, December 4th at 7:00 p.m. in the back room of the Community Center. Hostesses that evening will be Pat Ekstrom, Shirley Gordon and Mary Ann Claiborne, and all attendees are asked to bring a covered dish and a $10 gift for exchange. Contact Shirley Gordon 983-4365 for further information.

The next meeting of the Port O’Connor Sports Association will be Monday, November 19th at 6:30 p.m. in the Community Center and Commissioner Kenneth Finster will be present to answer any questions about proceeding to the next step in the building of this dream. Contact Calvin Ragusin at 655-0498 for further information; membership in this worthwhile organization is only $10.00 per year and we need your assistance!

As the construction of the new house on Maple is right behind me, I was totally captivated watching the footings being poured. In earlier times, forms would be hastily put-to-gether, and often during a pour, a form would collapse and concrete would be spilled just about everywhere. This pour was done with concrete being pumped directly into the footing, thereby saving a ton of aggravation. Sort of fun, watching how things change!

Have you noticed the increase of traffic of the large barges on the InterCoastal? Does this mean our local economy is growing?

As you travel down 185 past Seadrift to get to 238 to Port Lavaca, why not stop at Dick’s along the way and order your Thanksgiving turkey? Fresh hams are also available, and the person to see is Robert, the butcher, who also makes fresh sausage. Occasionally, my favorite for dinner is the flat-iron steaks that are extremely tender; I saute them in butter with mushrooms and green onions. Call Robert at 785-3391 for more information and prices.

Coming up: Saturday, December 1st: which marks the 10th running of the Toy Run from those wonderful members of Santa’s organization in Houston. The word is that about 40 boats are participating in the Run this time, which will mean an abundance of wished-for toys for children in this area and others. Time of arrival varies; be on the lookout from 1-2:30 p.m. at Clarks’.

And that evening is the annual Boat Parade as sponsored by the Chamber of Commerce. If you haven’t entered your boat yet, do contact Bill Tigrett immediately so you can take part in this event. It’s scheduled to start at dusk about 6:00-6:30+/- p.m., and following the many decorated boats down the InterCoastal is a very special sight.

DON’T FORGET: The Christmas Luncheon for our Senior Residents and others of this community will be Friday, December 7th at 10:30 a.m. in the Community Center. Do make plans to go as the food is delightful, decorations unbelievable, and the music from the School children unforgettable. See you there!

“HOOP” of Hurricane Junction has once again done himself proud. Holding the 4th (?) annual Gumbo and Chili Cookoff at Hurricane Junction, he donated the monies from this event to the Friends of the Library for their Building Fund. Unfortunately, I was “under the weather” for that weekend and so missed covering it for the paper. But I promise–Next year.

The Chamber is once again sponsoring their Christmas Lighting Contest under the direction of Chairman, Joyce Jordan. If you haven’t completed the form to enter your home or business in this event, do contact Joyce immediately. She can be reached at 655-7999, pob 847. Judging will take place on the 12th and 13th of December, so get going!

And our Lions Club is asking for vendors to participate in their Spring Arts & Crafts Fair as scheduled for March 16, 2013. Granted, this is November, but March comes faster than you think. Contact Joyce if you think you’d like to have a booth.

Not that I’m really counting, but this is the 32nd column I’ve written since starting it almost three years ago. Hope the reader has enjoyed some of my “stellar comments” and observations of our wonderful community.
361 798-0560

If any reader would like to add something to this column, please contact me at the above number, and thanks for reading it.

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