Footprints & Rusty Hooks (or Bits & Pieces of What’s Happening in POC) By Sue Kubecka

Posted by Joyce Rhyne on 13 Dec 12 - Comments Off on Footprints & Rusty Hooks (or Bits & Pieces of What’s Happening in POC) By Sue Kubecka

Although the Bunco Group normally meets on the first Tuesday of the month, the first Tuesday of January is New Year’s Day. And after a celebration the previous evening and football all the next day, it is doubtful that many participants of the Group would be geared up to play. Therefore, the Group will be meeting on Tuesday, January 8th at 7:00 p.m. in the back room of the Community Center and both Diane Cooley and Annette Leach will honor us as the hostesses. Please contact Shirley Gordon at the Library for further information.

The next meeting of the POCSA meeting will be Monday, January 21st at 7:00 p.m. in the Community Center. Contact Calvin Ragusin at 655-0498 for further information; membership in this worthwhile organization is only $10.00 per year and we need your assistance!

If you’re around the School or nearby at several times during the day, you will hear notes of music and much Christmassy songs coming out of the School. The students are practicing for their annual concerts during this month; they made an unbelievable appearance at the Christmas Luncheon on Friday, the 7th, and all those adults (and many grandparents) who were present became a little moist around the eyes. The children will be performing at the Bank on Friday, December 14th at 10:00 a.m. and also in concert at the School on Tuesday Evening, December 18th at 6:30 p.m. Do plan on attending either of those concerts; it’s such a welcome for our Christmas Season.

And thinking of this Holiday month, have you noticed the extra-kindness and pleasantness coming from strangers in the stores? I have, and just wish it would carry over into January and February when we start getting rushed again.

Speaking of Christmas and the usual wrapping of gifts and other wonderful chores, has another woman noticed lately how difficult sometimes opening a package of a necessary item has become? Not that I’m suffering from arthritis or something worse in my hands, but my fingernails no longer exist as I attempt to open another small box. It’s almost as if manufacturers are delighted in making it hard. But that’s when my handy-dandy scissors come in; that is, if I can find them!

And our Lions Club is asking for vendors to participate in their Spring Arts & Crafts Fair as scheduled for March 16, 2013. Granted, this is December, but March comes faster than you think. Contact Joyce Jordan, President, 361-655-7999 if you think you’d like to have a booth as she needs to get commitments ASAP.

Does anyone have the feeling that although you have moved from a much smaller space into a larger one, there is no place for anything? Hate to say this but it’s happened to me; I’ve moved from a 28’ Airstream RV into a 37’ 5th wheel and I’m hunting cubbyholes to hide things. Guess it’s just time to remove some articles and take them home!

Not that I’m really counting, but this is the 33rd column I’ve written since starting it almost three years ago. Hope the reader has enjoyed some of my “stellar comments” and observations of our wonderful community.

Many times residents breathe a sigh of relief when Monday rolls around as it often marks the end of so many weekend visitors to either fish in a tournament or with their friends or the duck hunters over on the island. But we really cannot become so isolated in our extra-special community that we do not welcome outsiders. Nor can we complain about our “end of the road” isolation when it forces us to travel 30+/- miles to town, meaning the cleaners or the drug stores or the grocery stores. We are so very blessed to live in this community where it is so usual not UN to greet a friend or acquaintance at the Post Office or Speedy Stop. However, if one feels somewhat alone (when the other half of the marriage heads for the boat), there are many ways to feel useful again. There is the very heartwarming and enjoyable hour or two of volunteering at the Elementary School where a student can use extra help in reading or mathematics; contact our stunningly committed Principal, Lydia Strakos. There are several organizations that would benefit from an extra pair of hands during their coming year of meetings and involvements; there is the newly formed Lions Club, Joyce Jordan, President, 655-7999; and the Service Club with President, Janet Johnson, 983-4737 or Shirley Gordon at the Library. But a warning, you may find yourself so deeply involved in several activities, that you don’t notice when your husband climbs into the boat!

Merry Christmas to Y’All and a very Happy and Fun New Year Too! 361 798-0560

If any reader would like to add something to this column, please contact me at the above number, and thanks for reading it.

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