One of Santa’s elves hands off toys to Brian Redding as a line of volunteers helps unload all the toys brought to Port O’Connor by the Toy Run. -Photo courtesy PortOConnor.com
Around 2:00 p.m., the afternoon of December 1st, twenty-five boats laden with toys docked in Port O’Connor, completing the 10th annual Toy Run benefitting children of our area. Months before the event, these Houston-area boaters begin preparing for it, enlisting donors and putting on fund-raisers. The Toy Run is not their only charitable endeavor, but it is the one into which they put the most effort.
Come rain or shine, they gather at Freeport to make the 72-mile trip to Port O’Connor. Sometimes a boat or two will have to drop out due to engine trouble or really bad weather conditions, but most make it through to be greeted by a host of local volunteers waiting for them at The Inn at Clark’s dock. This year there were more local volunteers than ever and more toys than ever to unload.
Many boats had their bows loaded with bicycles – 92 in all. There were toys of all kinds and for all ages – enough for more than 1,500 children to be delighted on Christmas morning. In addition to the primary recipients of the Toy Run, Port O’Connor’s Adopt-An-Angel program, toys were distributed through schools and organizations in Port Lavaca, Seadrift, Bloomington, Placedo, Edna and Victoria.
Boaters interested in being a part of next year’s Toy Run can contact founder Jerry Karnes (281-558-4696) who said of this year’s Toy Run, “We had a blast and look forward to next year already.”
-Joyce Rhyne

Bethany Bromonski purchased these bicycles with the prize money she won in an art contest. Bethany was a part of the Toy Run group. -Photo courtesy of PortOConnor.com
A big Thank You goes out to everyone who helped with the Toy Run for our Adopt-An Angel Program.
A special thanks goes out to the family of Mr. and Mrs. Krause for their donation towards the needs of the Program. As a new family to Port O’Connor – Welcome!
The Service Club has once more stepped up to the plate with a donation for our out-of-pocket expenses.
Thank you,
Adopt-An-Angel Group
“It’s not how much we give but how much love we put into giving.” – Mother Teresa
“Some people give time, some money, some their skills and connections, some literally give their life’s blood.
But everyone has something to give.” -Barbara Bush
“For it is giving that we receive.”- St. Francis of Assisi